Friday 26th June 2020

Bore da. We’re excited about being able to reopen the school again next week and it will be fantastic to see so many of our students from Tuesday onwards. Thank you so much for signing up to our new Home School Agreement. It is absolutely essential that all parents/carers of students who are returning to us this month have done this, as we work together to keep everyone safe on site. If you haven’t already done so, please read and sign our Home School Agreement by clicking on the following link in order to secure your child’s ‘check-in’ session place as a matter of urgency…

We are trying hard not to overload you with school communications, and so I hope that our Checklist for Reopening School document has proved helpful in assisting you to prepare your children for the next few weeks.

Thanks for all your feedback on the theme of school uniform upon our return. We’ve listened carefully and monitored weather forecasts. The emphasis must be on clothes which are easily washable and also sufficiently comfortable to wear, and so we have now revised our previous statement requiring full school uniform. Students should return to school wearing either their standard uniform without a tie, or their school PE kit, or perhaps a suitable combination of the two.

A number of you have asked questions recently about September. We are again working on our plans to ensure the safe and smooth-running of our school in the new term, but await necessary detail from Welsh Government in order to be confident that anything we publish will not be subject to change. We will endeavour to have as much face to face teaching and learning time with each of our students as possible, and we are currently thinking that our sessions will include subject teaching rather than having the current purely pastoral function.

We are really sad that like so many of our other special events, sports day cannot happen this year. There is good news though, as the PE department will be hosting a virtual sports day instead and from Monday, students will be able to participate in 5 events that can be completed at home. They will be able to submit their results on Google Classroom. This is an inter-form competition and the winning forms from each year group will be presented with the trophies when we return to school. Please get stuck in everyone – and we look forward to seeing some great performances and personal bests!

And so, as we put in place final preparations for next week, please let your children know that although school may look and feel like a very different place, the values which we hold so dearly and the people who make our school family what it is, have not changed. It will be wonderful to be back together again for our check-in sessions, and we’re so looking forward to a time when we are all back on the premises and enjoying learning together.

Have a good weekend.