Friday 29th April 2022

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We really hope you have enjoyed a restful Easter.  Our students have returned with excellent attitudes and many are now ready for their external examinations.  Please can we remind you once again that any student experiencing anxiety or stress should speak to their Group Tutor or Student Development Manager at their earliest convenience.  We truly understand that for so many this will be the first real experience of external examinations, as will be the case for students across Wales.

We were visited by Estyn for a Thematic Inspection (one day only) earlier this week and the inspector gave us very positive feedback on the theme of assessment.

In amongst examination preparations it is vital that we don’t lose perspective and continue to celebrate the many wonderful things which happen both at Castell Alun and also to our students further afield, on a weekly basis.  Thank you so much for the information you have supplied to us which helps us recognise and celebrate individual and team successes as they occur.

7S have come up with an excellent scheme to raise money for Cancer Research this term.  The class intends to match the number of hours it would take to walk from John O’ Groats to Lands End with their attendance at extra-curricular activities before the close of the term.  What a lovely idea!

Arrangements have now been finalised for Year 8 to undertake their sponsored run on Tuesday of next week, with all proceeds going to Nightingale House.  In the allocated hour students will be challenged to complete as many laps as possible.  Please remember that all monies can be paid via our School Gateway app.

Millie (Year 9) has appeared in the Blog before, but we wanted to celebrate the fact that she has just picked up a sponsor for her racing and is now thrilled to be supported by Riverside Gravure.  We are really proud of you Millie!

Imagine one day playing sport for your country!   Thomas, Year 10 represents RGC North Wales in Rugby but the accolades do not stop there.  Although he is one year younger than the other players in the team he has been made Captain of the side and has already played Welsh Regional matches against sides such as Ospreys and Blues.  His next goal is to be selected for the Welsh Under 18s team and then to pursue a career in the sport.

As you may be aware, we have an international golf star in Year 12.  Will plays off a handicap of 1 and competes regularly against other nations.  His most recent success was in a quadrangle tournament over Easter at Pyle and Kenfig, where he took 2 ½ points against the Scottish, Irish and Dutch teams.  Great job Will!  Will plays with North Wales Under 18s regularly and hopes to proceed to the European Championships in Germany this summer, on his way to the main professional tour.

Well done to Dan (Year 11) and his team of Army Cadets who achieved a Bronze Medal in the Cambrian Patrol competition over a two-night period recently.  The event took place in the area of Sennybridge and all team members were put through a grueling round of activities over the 48 hours.  Dan and has team also won the Cambrian Patrol Best Welsh Team national competition.  It is tremendous that such competitions are now taking place once again and this one was organized by the 160th Welsh Brigade and HQ Wales Cadet Training Team.  Awesome stuff Dan!

Not all successes are in the sporting arena and please do remind your children to check out our new extra-curricular programme on the school website.

Parents of students in Year 8 are kindly reminded to make appointments for our virtual Parents’ Evening on Thursday 5th May and we wish the very best of luck to all students who are participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Silver award expedition this weekend.

Enjoy the extended weekend and we will see all students on Tuesday 3rd May.