Friday 13th May 2022

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The examination season has officially begun and parents/carers of students in these classes have been notified of procedures should a student become ill, with or without COVID, when they are due to sit an exam. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school for further clarification. Medical notes will be essential should a student be unable to sit their assessment on any given day.

Year 12 go on study leave today and we are sure that they will make excellent use of their gained time to focus on preparations for their examinations over the coming weeks. Students are most welcome to come into school and use our facilities to study during this period, should that prove helpful. All Year 12 students return to school on Monday 13th June to re-commence their studies for a four week period. Parents of students in Year 13 have now had a letter informing them of the arrangements for the official leaving ceremony on Friday 27th May at 2.15pm, with guest speaker Miss Catrin Pugh. With regret we are unable to host a similar ceremony with parents for students in Year 11 this year, although Year 11 students will have an informal gathering during the day on Thursday 26th May. Many Year 11 students have an examination on the following day and we are, of course, very much looking forward to the Year 11 Prom on Thursday 30th June, at St. David’s Hotel, Ewloe from 6.30pm to 11.00pm.

Congratulations to Ella (Year 7) who has just achieved a distinction in her Grade 5 Piano exam. Ella performed superbly well and will now progress immediately onto Grade 6 and quite possibly up to the top of the scale, Grade 8. In further music news, really well done to Abi (Year 13) who passed her Grade 8 Clarinet with a stunning distinction and hopes soon to go to Oxford University and study music. We are so impressed Abi!

Connor, Ethan, Harry and Joe (Year 10) represented Castell Alun in the Flintshire Schools’ football team in the Welsh National Competition against Caerphilly on Sunday. Our lads won on a penalty shoot out and thus became the first North Wales team to have won the nationals in over 18 years – this is an amazing achievement. Unlike some national football teams we could mention, Connor and Ethan both stepped up to take penalties, held their bottle, and scored. Brilliant stuff all of you!

Our Sixth Form Netball team competed in the Welsh Netball Presidents Cup at the weekend in Cardiff and the girls fought hard and gave every last ounce of effort to come fourth in the overall rankings. Superb stuff girls – that’s really impressive!

Students in Year 8 will have vaccinations in school on Wednesday next week and are permitted to wear their PE t-shirts for the day as is our usual custom.

This weekend sees a number of our Year 10 students undertake their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze qualifying expedition – we wish you all the very best of luck and lots of fun also.

We finish with a final word on our extra-curricular timetable which has been sent to families once again this week. Please do encourage all students to participate in as many activities as they are able.

Have a lovely weekend!