Friday 21st October 2022

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Bore Da,

As we entered school this morning we saw a sea of pink across the Sixth Form as students and staff reflect on Breast Cancer Awareness this month in particular.  Our Lower School Assembly this morning was on the theme of taking responsibility and we had excellent readings from Isobel and George (Year 9), which were followed by a wonderful rendition of John Denver’s ‘Country Road’ from our Year 8 band – Thea, Jack and Eiry.  It is fantastic to be able to gather as a school during Main Assembly or indeed Upper and Lower School Assembly groups again and we are extremely thankful for all students who participate in these events.  Such contributions demand a great deal of courage.

Throughout this week Year 11 English students have undertaken GCSE oracy assessments and our staff have spoken of students’ commitment to preparation and the encouraging nature through which they have supported each other in these small group sessions.  Year 9 students have participated in PSE sessions this week on the theme of ‘Consent’ and our students have handled this difficult topic very well.

We thought you would appreciate some photos of last week’s Shwmae Sumae day, a national day to celebrate our language with the prime purpose of encouraging everyone to use as much Cymraeg as possible. Students were asked to dress in coch, gwyn a gwyrdd (red, white and green), the array of Welsh tops and our national colours was lovely to see. We are very grateful for the arrangements made by our Welsh Department which made the day such a success for everyone and the staff were particularly thankful for the sgwrs a paned (chat and a cuppa) at breaktime.

Well done to the Sixth Form students who put on the Sion Fferins (Sweet Shop) at which students were required to converse only in Cymraeg to buy their treats. A great deal of money was raised by the sweet and cake sales which will be donated to Hope House. Participation in the events of the day was strong and we seek to build on these foundations further in the coming months. Di iawn pawb.

As mentioned in the Blog last week, a great time was had by all when a group of 15 sixth form students travelled to London to watch Shakespeare’s The Tempest. It was being performed at the world-renowned Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre set aside the River Thames.  During their trip to London, the group also had the opportunity to spend some time exploring Bankside, to try some food in Borough Market and there was even an encounter with royalty! ‘’Seeing Princess Anne, after the highlight of watching The Tempest, was the absolute cherry on the cake.” Mia (Year 13).  The trip supported students’ A-level studies in English Literature and CAFA (Castell Alun Friends’ Association) generously helped to subsidise the cost of this event.   Students felt that seeing Shakespeare’s most elemental tragi-comedy brought back to life in this 2022 reimagining of the play was extremely beneficial towards the students’ overall understanding of the set piece.  ‘’I want to go straight back and watch it all over again!’’ Amelie (Year 13). 

In sporting news this week di iawn and congratulations to 7NE boys who have worked really hard in cross country to gain their certificates over the last few days.

Many congratulations once again to Annabel (Year 12) who has now returned from representing Wales in the World Junior Girls’ Golf Championships in Canada.  Annie played to the very highest standards and although she didn’t make the top five leader board she had the most wonderful experience imaginable and has now taken a considerable step further on the road to fulfilling her dream to become a professional golfer.  We are so incredibly impressed Annie, follow that dream!

Our Year 10 Boys’ football team also experienced further success this week in a tight match against Rhyl.  Our lads came out 4-3 winners and had to dig deep for this narrow victory.

On Wednesday next week we will run a session for both halves of Year 7 during which we seek to develop students’ confidence and oracy skills in general.  This event is run by ‘Talk the Talk’, a company with whom we have worked closely in the past and seen great benefits for many of our students.

Please remember that this half term concludes for students on Thursday 27th October, as Friday 28th October is a Staff Training Day in school.  Students return to school on Tuesday 8th November as Monday 7th November is a New Curriuclum Development Day for staff.

CAFA are working really hard and plans are falling nicely into place for the fashion show which we have mentioned to you in previous Blogs.  Please be so good as to click on this link for further information.

Have a lovely weekend /  mwynhewch y penwythnos