Friday 16th September 2022

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Bore da Pawb,

There has been a highly respectful atmosphere all around a bustling school campus this week.

We were thrilled for our students and their families with the examination results of August 2022 and we have welcomed back a high number of both Castell Alun and external students into Year 12.  For those going on to pastures new we wish you all the very best and you will always be part of the Castell Alun family.

On Tuesday 13th September our Year 11 cohort took part in some oracy workshops with the ‘Talk the Talk’ organisation. Our students threw themselves into the challenge of developing their speaking and listening skills which culminated in them presenting speeches in front of their peers. The students were a credit to the school and developed skills that will be of great value for their futures.  Developing confidence, active learning and perhaps most specifically oracy skills are amongst our primary targets for the current academic year for students in all year groups.

On  21st September Year 7 will sit CATs tests.  However, these are not in any sense examinations and no prior preparation is necessary whatsoever.  Students will be walked through the process gradually and please be so good as to ensure that no-one feels in any way anxious about this test of potential.

A major event in the life of Castell Alun is always our New Intake Open Evening, to be held this year on Thursday 29th September, from 6.30pm.  This event is primarily aimed at Year 6 pupils and their families who are considering coming to Castell Alun in September 2023, although Year 5 pupils and their families are also welcome of course.  On this evening, pupils and families will have the opportunity to have a really good look around our school, visiting all areas and seeing displays and small classes in session.  The senior staff of the school will run a short presentation, along with Miss Janice Jones, Student Development Manager for Year 7, in order to pass on key information about life at Castell Alun, our values and practices.  The first presentation is scheduled for 6.30pm so please arrive a little earlier if you would like to attend this sitting.  The presentation will be repeated once again at 7.15pm however, so families may choose to visit some of the Learning Areas first.

Should anyone be unable to attend the New Intake Open Evening, we also provide an Open Morning on Friday 30th September.  In order to reserve a place on the tour of the school on the Friday morning, please be so good as to call 01978 760238 or email  We are always happy to host visits to the school but as the Open Morning can be a popular event we thank you for booking this with sufficient notice so all requests can be accommodated.

Welsh Water have asked that we share an information leaflet with parents/carers for those who have concerns about increasing costs.  Please be so good as to follow this link to access this information.

The school’s extra curricular provision is now gathering a great deal of momentum.  We are always really keen that students are offered a wide range of activities beyond the standard classroom and it is wonderful to see how many engage in these opportunities.  Please remember that study club buses are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  The following link takes you to our latest PE Extra Curricular Timetable.

Thank you to everyone who has let us know about students’ successes over recent days.  Well done to Erin (Year 7) who has been invited to join the North Wales England Elite Academy

Congratulations to Sasha (Year 8) who travelled to Serbia recently and won her first cap for Wales at the Women’s U15 UEFA tournament.  That is really quite something for a Year 8 student!

We are thrilled for Megan (Year 11) who scored a wonderful try for her rugby club, witnessed by a number of supporters, last weekend.  Really well done to Tom (Year 11) also who lined up for RGC U16s to play against Cardiff Rugby South recently.

We have a number of start netballers in Year 11 and well done in particular to Issy, Ruby and Nell who play regularly in the North East Wales Senior League.  These girls have reached a very high standard, with Ruby also competing for Manchester Thunder and winning the English School Games competition recently.

And finally, a massive congratulations to Annabelle (Year 12), who not only won a lady’s knockout match play final at Mold Golf Club recently, but has also been called up represent Wales in the World’s Junior Girls Golf Championship in October.  We should all remember the name, Annabelle is destined for great things!

We hope you are able to find peace and rest over the extended weekend and please remember that school re-opens after the funeral of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, on Tuesday 20th September.

Diolch am ddarllen