Friday 1st July 2022

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1st July 2022 / Gorffennaf 1af 2022

As we begin July we are mindful that our students are in school for 2 more weeks only until their summer break begins. Indeed Year 12 students will not be in lessons from 11th July and some will undertake a period of work experience, with others making the most of such opportunities in more flexible ways. With a short time left there is still much going on and lots still to do!

We were thrilled with our Year 10 Trinity & Performing Arts exam students, who this week performed in two shows for the company ‘AmaSing’, one at the William Aston Hall and the other at Storyhouse, Chester. From the words of the host herself, “Castell Alun performers stole the show!” We are so very proud of those students who took part. But it doesn’t stop there! The Castell Alun Variety Show this week saw a wealth of further talent from a wide range of acts across the Performing Arts, with students of all ages involved. Many different year groups showcased their creativity and skill before a live audience, who were absolutely full of praise for all participants. Thanks so much to all who performed, those who attended and those who made the event possible. We look forward to next year’s Variety Show with real anticipation.


Congratulations to Izzy (Year 12) who was selected to represent Wales at the British dressage championships in Buckinghamshire last weekend. Despite exceptional competition, Izzy performed brilliantly and took 11th place out of 36 finalists from the entire United Kingdom.



We wish the very best of luck to our Year 8 boys’ athletics team, who won the Flintshire and NE round of their championships recently and now find themselves in the cup competition in Aberdare on July 6th.



Also, good luck to Charlie (Year 9) who is a very capable high jumper and has been selected to represent NE Wales in competition this weekend. We told you about the excellent work undertaken by Year 8 to support Hope House in the Blog last week. In a similarly incredibly impressive fashion, Year 7 have raised nearly £1000 to support Cancer Research UK and the World Wildlife Fund UK. All tutor groups devised their own plans for fund raising ventures and the year group held a non-uniform day en-masse also. We eagerly await the Year 9 total in support of their chosen charity, the Welsh Air Ambulance, and should be able to report on that next week.

Please can we request that any unwanted (recent) text books and uniform are brought into school and dropped off at reception next week. These items can then be sold at cheap rates at our CAFA car boot sale on Saturday 9th July. The sale will run between 9.30am and midday and it will cost £5 to sell from your car. Please book your place using the following email address –  Cars are asked to kindly arrive and set up from 9am and for safety reasons last admissions for any stall holders will be 9.25am.  Refreshments will be available …….. as In further CAFA news, you are invited to participate in bake and decorate a cake competition on the theme of ‘Afternoon Tea’ to support this event. Please bring all entries to school on Friday 8th July for judging. The prize is a £20 Amazon voucher. Please see the leaflet here.

Next week we are excited about meeting our new Year 7 students for September 2022. The New Intake Induction Evening (for parents / carers) begins at 6.30pm with a presentation in the Sports Hall and our New Intake Induction Day for students is on Thursday 7th July, beginning at 8.45am. It is wonderful to be able to run these incredibly important events face-to-face once again.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mwynhewch y penwythnos!