Friday 21st January 2022

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We are now past the midway point of winter and to date the weather has been quite kind.  For this we are really grateful especially as we are now nearing the conclusion of our building works.

We continue to follow all Welsh Government guidelines with regards to Covid and are really proud of our students, who have shown their respect and care for each other as they have worn masks in all areas of the school and followed all guidance without question in nearly all cases.  The worst of Omicron appears to be over and yet we must be guarded and remain cautious in how we proceed, which we will of course continue to do.

It’s great to be able to get back to talking about students’ successes!  Tyler (Year 9) has now qualified to compete at the Welsh National Swimming Championships and indeed a Commonwealth qualifying event.  His times and personal bests in all disciplines are constantly improving and it certainly looks like he is destined to represent our nation in major future championships.

Millie (Year 9) has just taken a stunning third place in the Women’s British Motocross Championships and is proving to so many that they should follow their passions and not submit to traditional stereotypes.  Millie, we are so proud of you – you are a real role model!

Our school teams continue to build on previous successes, with the Year 10 lads’ football team beating Hawarden in the Welsh Schools Cup recently. The team now progresses on to the last 16 rounds for the whole of Wales.  Hard luck to our Year 9 team who fought a tough match but got knocked out in the last round of the regional section of the cup.

In Cross Country we were represented in the North East Wales round by Juliette, Imogen, Penelope, Amelia (all Year 7), Milo, Owain (Year 9) and Seren (Year 11).  Well done everyone!  We now hope that some of these students will be asked to represent North Wales in the Welsh Schools Final in the coming months.

We have really impressive numbers in attendance at our extra-curricular events, despite the trials and tribulations of Covid.  We are really keen to encourage the passions and harness the strengths of all students in all areas.  You can see our current extra-curricular timetable here.

A big thank you to all parents/carers who made our virtual Year 10 Parents’ Evening such a positive event on Thursday.  Although it appears that guidance may change in the relatively near future, our Sixth Form Open Evening scheduled for Thursday 27th January will be a virtual event.  A wealth of relevant information will be available to all prospective Sixth Form students on our website from the 27th January onwards and we would encourage everyone in Year 11, both at Castell Alun and in neighbouring schools, to take a really good look.  Our Sixth Form Prospectus is of course also available on the website along with many relevant videos of a specific subject and whole-school nature.  However, it must be said we are really keen to be able to meet these students and their families in person in order to demonstrate the reasons behind Castell Alun Sixth Form’s fine reputation across North Wales.

Our current Year 11 are also now in the final stages of preparations for their mock examinations.  They deserve the very greatest credit for the way in which they have dealt with and continue to deal with, national uncertainties with regards to the summer examination series.  We want to encourage each and every one of them to give their best to these trial examinations, but also to remember that examinations are one portion of a bigger picture in life.  Our desire is that everyone reaches their personal potential and also that each student maintains a healthy perspective and work-life balance.

Our school library is open to all students and we are now in the process of refreshing stock.  Please encourage your children to pop along and have a good look at what is available. Over lockdown periods some students have rediscovered the joy of reading and we would love this to continue!

Our friends at CAFA continue to serve our school in the most wonderfully supportive of ways.  With cheerful hearts, all members of the CAFA team have sought to raise funds for Castell Alun in new and creative ways during the pandemic.  Please see the attached leaflet so that you can get involved in a Virtual Valentine Day Balloon Race.  Please click here for further information.  Thank you so much to everyone at CAFA!

North Wales Police have asked us to raise awareness of their free community messaging alert service.  Registering for this service will enable you to receive current information on local crime, crime prevention advice, engagement events, appeals and policing activity in this area.  Please see the attached leaflet.

Have a nice weekend.