Friday 9th December 2022

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With less than two weeks of teaching time left, it is quite understandable that some of our students are becoming a little excitable.  However, it is good to be able to report that behaviour remains appropriate and standards are maintained throughout the curriculum.  This has been especially important as all Sixth Form students have been engaged in trial examinations over the last few days, which are due to finish early next week.

The Sixth Form Charity Committee is collecting essential bags again across the school this year for the homeless. Each tutor group will be collecting items such as toothbrushes, shower gel, shampoo and soap to help those in need over the festive period. We hope to build on the fabulous effort of last year in which 60 bags were given to the charity Share. This year, the charity that will be distributing the bags will be the Salvation Army in Wrexham. Thank you so much to all the families that have donated already. If you haven’t had the opportunity to do so yet, don’t worry, the bags will be collected from each tutor group on 13th December and so there is still time to support this most worthy of causes.

This week Year 10 students took part in the Dragons’ Den challenge as part of their GCSE Skills qualification.  Students have been busy designing, branding and producing a product to sell at next week’s Christmas Market in support of Hope House.  On Tuesday students delivered their pitch to the assembled ‘Dragons’ and these entrepreneurs and leaders of business and industry were incredibly impressed with what they saw.  We are so very grateful to each of the Dragons for their wisdom, guidance and support. Kayleigh Dean (Airbus) shared the following thoughts with us:

“I had an inspiring day acting as a Dragon. The students all did an amazing job pitching their ideas in readiness for the Christmas Market next week. Their passion and confidence shone through and we saw a range of ideas from chocolate brownies and candles to ‘sponge the teacher’. I’m sure they will all make lots of money for Hope House!”

It seems we will now face a cold snap on the run up to Christmas.  As usual at this time of year it is likely that we will be more susceptible to various bugs.  However, some illness requires closer monitoring and all families received the standard Scarlett Fever and invasive Streptococcal letter from Public Health Wales this week.  There is, of course, no cause for alarm and all schools are being asked to ensure that parents/carers have read the letter carefully and follow the guidance given.  In particular, any person showing symptoms of Scarlett Fever should seek medical advice and not return to school for 24 hours after the commencement of the appropriate antibiotic treatment.  We find ourselves once again reminding everyone of the need for good hand hygiene and the importance of remembering to “catch it, bin it, kill it”.  Please also be so good as to ensure that any students who may require an inhaler bring this with them to school every day.

Well done to our students who took part in the Flintshire Cross Country team at Mold Alun this week.  We are proud of you all and wish all of those who have been selected to represent North East Wales in the next round great success!   Although the weather is impacting on some sporting events we are able to report that our Year 8 Boys’ Football team beat Ysgol Elfed on penalties after an incredibly hard-fought match.  Well done lads, great effort!

One final reminder… our Christmas Concert is on Thursday 15th December at 7pm.  A large number of talented students will be performing a variety of musical items and readings.  Tickets are £3 each including refreshments and must be paid for via School Gateway.  These will be available until midnight Wednesday 14th December.  There will also be a raffle on the evening, and the evening promises to be a lot of fun.  We’d love you to join us for the celebrations.

On Monday 19th December, we will take our Year 7 students over to Hope Parish Church for a Christmas Service during Period 2.  All students will be accompanied on the walk over to the church and we know that this will be a joyous occasion, and perhaps a different experience for some of our younger students.  We are very grateful to Father Paul Wheeler and the wonderful people in the Hope Fellowship for this opportunity.

Finally, please be aware that ex-students are invited to collect Summer 2022 Certificates on Wednesday 21st  December, 9.30am to 12.00pm from school main reception.   Any person collecting certificates on behalf of the student, must be in possession of a consent letter signed by the student themselves.  Don’t worry, if it is impractical to collect the certificates on Wednesday 21st, it will be possible to get them again from Monday 9th January.

We hope the Christmas shopping is all going well and wish you a lovely weekend.

Diolch am ddarllen, mwynhewch y penwythnos.