Friday 11th March 2022

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As we weave our way through what appears to be the back end of the pandemic, we are acutely mindful of the horrors which continue to occur in Ukraine.  This global situation sets the tone for much of our lives at present and many of us have already found ways in which we feel we can play our part to assist those in great need.  We are currently considering a communal school response which may help us all to come to terms with developing events in an appropriate way.   

Please be reminded that we are holding a face to face Sixth Form Information Evening on Thursday 24th March, from 4.30pm.  The session is available to all students who are currently considering joining Year 12 next academic year, and of course their parents.  We have initiated a booking system in order to manage numbers on the evening, please follow the link on our website to book your place.  Subject specific talks and tailored one-to-one conversations will occur throughout the evening.  We really look forward to seeing you there. 

All students in Year 9 are now deeply engaged with the process of making their option choices for the next academic year.  A wealth of information has been provided for them, much of which can be read or watched here on our school website.  However, should any children in Year 9 feel that they require a further private discussion with a member of staff in order to guide their choices, please do speak directly with subject leaders or Mr. Neil Eve, Student Development Manager for Year 9, and we will gladly assist or direct your question to the most appropriate member of staff. 

On Friday 18th March, we will hold our annual non-uniform day in aid of Comic Relief, with financial contributions to this event made through the Gateway app which is now open.  Many thanks for your tireless support of children throughout the world. 

In sporting news this week, our Year 9 Boys’ Rugby team narrowly lost in their match against Elfed – great effort boys, hard luck! 

Girls’ cricket is going from strength to strength across Flintshire and at Castell Alun our Years 8, 9 and 10 cricket teams have successfully participated in the ECB Indoor Cricket qualifiers at Deeside Leisure Centre during the last two weeks.  We are truly proud of their performances with the Year 9 team being placed third and the Year 10 team fourth in the overall competition. 

The Year 10 Boys’ Football Team beat Llangefni 4-1 in the quarter finals of the Welsh Schools’ Cup this week and now progress into the national semi finals.  These lads are eager to pit themselves against the top three teams in Wales in the near future and we have high hopes of reaching the final.  Brilliant stuff lads!  

Perhaps a final mention now to Caitlin and Maya (Year 10), Alice (Year 8), Hattie, Ella and Bethan (Year 7), all of whom have been really busy as Hockey Ambassadors promoting the sport across our school and local community on behalf of Hockey Wales.  Really well done girls – keep it up! 

Please remember that all extra-curricular activities are listed here on our school website. 

There are a small number of vacancies for vital roles at Castell Alun currently being advertised.  If you would like to join our team as a cleaner, teaching assistant or cover supervisor, please be so good as to check out the vacancies section on our school website.  Perhaps you would be so good as to pass this message on to anyone you know who you feel may be interested in one of these roles with us. 

We wish you all a restful weekend.Â