Friday 2nd December 2022

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Bore Da.

We began the first week of winter this week and although it is noticeably that bit colder, we have been mercifully spared the rain so far!  This has made the reopening to students of our all weather pitch possible and the vast majority now have a good understanding of the rules for entry onto the surface.  Please be so good as to confirm once again that any students wishing to play football on the Astroturf must be wearing trainers and therefore these can obviously not be the same footwear as students wear to their lessons.  It is great to see so many enthusiastic, informal football matches taking place once again and we have all missed this facility for far too long.

Our main assembly this week was on the theme of ‘Our Planet’ and we want to say a big diolch to Aerona, Ava and Sibella from Year 10 for their excellent readings and use of incidental Welsh.  As we enter this season of Advent we are reminded that each of us has a responsibility to be good stewards of our surroundings to provide hope and an environmentally-friendly legacy for the generations to come.

The CAFA Fashion show took place last Friday evening. It was huge success with many tickets sold and plenty to see and buy. The audience were treated to a display of the latest fashions and the opportunity to browse the rails of bargains for sale, which many people took huge advantage of. Thanks go to everyone who came along to the event to support CAFA and the school, diolch yn fawr iawn.  In particular, a special diolch to CAFA for organising the event and yet again raising funds which will go back into supporting the students and the school. Their efforts in this and all their other fundraising is hugely appreciated.

This week a group of Year 10 future doctors attended an event at Wrexham hospital in association with Bangor University.  The event focused on the application process for this particular career path, with students also gaining a deeper understanding of the life of a medic and taking a closer examination of clinical skills activities.  The students were really enthusiastic and said that this was an exciting and highly beneficial event.

Yesterday evening we held our Year 12 Parents’ Evening and it was great to see not just parents and carers but also many students in attendance, with whom we work in fruitful partnership to ensure that everyone receives the best education and guidance possible on this step of their journey into adulthood.  Next week sees the start of our Sixth Form trial examination period and this will run for approximately two weeks.  After this, there are a variety of festivities planned for students in Years 12 and 13.

On Tuesday next week, students in Year 10 studying for their Skills qualification will enter the ‘Dragons Den’.  Modelled on the TV programme we have invited eight employers from across North Wales into school to listen to groups of students pitch their business concept ideas in the hope of securing further guidance and potentially purchases.  We are extremely grateful to the Dragons who support us in this venture annually.

We want to say a big congratulations to Brooke (Year 8) this week as she has been successful in her quest to join Wrexham AFC Under 14s.  We look forward to hearing all about your progress Brooke!

And finally an advance notice – we will hold our Christmas Concert on Thursday 15th December at 7pm.  A large number of talented students will be performing a variety of musical items and readings.  Tickets are £3 each including refreshments and must be paid for via School Gateway.  These will be available until midnight Wednesday 14th December.  There will also be a raffle on the evening, doubtless accompanied by great frivolity as usual.  Please come along and join the celebrations.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mwynhewch y penwythnos