Friday 16th December 2022

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Bore da,

As we draw towards the end of an extraordinary long term, it was with deep regret that we were forced to postpone our Christmas Concert due to excessive student and staff absence though illness. We will refund all tickets held in the event that parents/carers are unable to attend the concert on the revised date, which will be confirmed soon.

Today staff and Sixth Form students are wearing Christmas jumpers in aid of Save the Children and Year 10 students are running their Christmas Market in aid of Hope House. The Year 10 students planned their stalls meticulously and came up with all kinds of novel ideas to raise money for this wonderful charity. A great deal of transactions have taken place, resulting in all kinds of goodies changing hands….and the fun has been non-stop! Year 11 students have raised money also through a non-uniform day.

Congratulations to all tutor groups who have had rewards breakfasts or film and refreshment sessions in recent days as a result of excellent attendance, work ethic and the accumulation of praise points. Mr Ellis has also been seeing students across the year groups this week to congratulate them on Learning Ethic grades and general progress – really well done everyone!

Diolch yn fawr iawn to all families who made donations to our Homeless Essential Bags Collection. A brilliant 40 bags were made-up in total and will be passed on to those in most need in the coming days. We’re really grateful to the Sixth Form Charity Committee for their thoughtfulness and desire to make a difference. They thoroughly deserve to enjoy the Sixth Form Christmas festivities planned for Wednesday 21st December pm and the study day on Thursday. Also, thanks so much to CAFA for the much-admired, beautiful Christmas tree now on show in our Reception.

On Monday, during period 2, Year 7 students will be taken to Hope Parish Church for a Christmas Service, to be led by Father Paul Wheeler. Some students will participate in the service and a small group has also been invited to ring the bells. We’re grateful for the kindness of the people in the local church community and look forward to celebrating Christmas in this special way.

On Tuesday our Performing Arts team will put on a short show from 6pm – 7.30pm, entitled ‘A Night at the Movies’, in order to provide necessary evidence for some of our BTEC students’ qualifications. Around 100 students will participate and tickets are £2 on the door for anyone who would like to join us.

One final reminder please – ex students can collect certificates from 9.30am to midday on Thursday next week. Written authorisation will be required if certificates are to be collected by anyone other than the candidate themselves. Anyone unable to come to school on this date can still collect their hard-earned certificates in the New Year.

We have some incredible successes to mention again, even at this late stage of the year! Many congratulations to Nina, Year 11, who became British U19/21 Champion in Ballroom and Latin at the British Nationals held in Blackpool recently.  This is actually the 7th time she has won at this event – wow! Watch out for the name – next stop Strictly! In team sport, really well done to Year 11 student, Tom, who represented RGC brilliantly at U18 level against Cardiff Blues. Poppy (Sixth Form) is again playing for the extended U18s Wales Netball Squad and Megan, Year 11, has now taken up a place in U18s RGC squad. Harry Year 11, has been selected to represent Wales in the U16 school boys’ football squad. This is an amazing achievement and Harry should pick up his first cap against Australia in January. What a talented set of students we have! Please do keep us up to date with further success stories of any kind – it is right that we celebrate these things together as a school community.

This being the final Blog of the calendar year, all that remains to be said is Nadolig Llawen to all.