Friday 20th January 2023

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As you would expect, school life has been determined by the weather conditions to some extent this week. Despite the excitement a snowfall brings, students have generally behaved impeccably and with great respect when moving around the school campus. It looks like the weekend will see the end of the icy conditions and we are looking forward to a return to normality on Monday.

Thank you very much to all parents/carers who participated in the Year 10 Parents’ Evening yesterday. A great deal of learning is clearly taking place in Year 10 and many meaningful conversations were conducted which both strengthen our partnership with families and also inform further ways to support students in their learning. Our hope is that all students continue to make strong progress and enjoy life in the school.

As mentioned in our Blog last week, our Sixth Form Open Evening for prospective students takes place on Thursday, 26th January from 6.30pm onwards. There will be a talk by the Headteacher and Mr. Kevin Davies (Head of Sixth Form) at 6.30pm and this will be repeated at 7.15pm. Opportunities will be available to visit all areas of the school and speak to specialist staff and current students about possibilities in our Sixth Form for the next academic year. It will be our pleasure to welcome as many interested parties as possible to this face-to-face event.

A large number of students in Year 11 will sit their science practical examinations over the next couple of weeks and we wish them all the very best in their pursuit of the performances of which they are capable. Indeed, on Friday 3rd February we intend to hold a Mock Results Day for our Year 11 students in order to simulate the real event which occurs of course in August. It is hoped that this will assist our students in making wise learning choices over the coming weeks.

Many of you will have seen on the news that certain professional bodies have indicated that they will strike in welsh schools on Wednesday 1st February. Although it is hoped that this can yet be avoided, we will contact you with further relevant information nearer the time.

Really well done to Harry (Year 11) who realised the dream of many a student when he represented his country, playing for the U16s Wales Football Team against Australia this week. The welsh boys narrowly lost 2-1 but put in a tremendous performance and we are thrilled that Harry has the potential to go on to yet greater things.

A large number of fixtures were postponed due to the weather this week although our Year 10 Boys’ Football Team narrowly lost on penalties to Prestatyn in Round 4 of the Welsh Schools’ Cup. Hard luck lads and thanks for your efforts!

We have just had some really good news about our lower school STEM club and should be in a position to share this with you more fully next week.

Mwynhewch y penwythnos/Have an enjoyable weekend.