Friday 1st December 2023

P’nawn da

The term seems to be racing away as we find ourselves at the start of Advent, and with fewer than 3 weeks to go until we close for Christmas on Thursday 21st December! Much has been accomplished, and yet there is still a great deal to be done.

We had the most valuable opportunity to meet with parents / carers of Year 7 students on two afternoons this week. Year 7 Group Tutors and pastoral staff enjoyed their discussions with visitors to the school and they were able to bring much good news, regarding how well the new intake has settled in and the progress these students are making. Year 12 Parents’ Evening was also yesterday and, once again, attendance was very pleasing, with meaningful dialogue taking place in all areas of learning. We are truly grateful for the excellent parent – school relationship we have with families at Castell Alun and indeed proud of the teamwork, which allows us to bring the best out of students. Diolch yn fawr to all who joined us in school this week.

We have been made aware that many young people in Flintshire are consuming ‘energy drinks’ on a regular basis. In school we aim to educate students on the content of such drinks, as part of our health and wellbeing curriculum. Please be so good as to look at this poster, so that the message can be reinforced at home also.

Our U13 Girls’ football team (Year 7 students) had a great afternoon in the EFL Schools Cup this week. They won 2 matches, drew 1  and lost 2 of their matches. We are proud of their performances and particularly want to thank Ffion (Sixth Form) for her help in coaching.

Our Year 10 Boys’ football team had a hard-fought game in the Welsh Cup against Dinas Bran. The game ended in a 0-0 draw, but Dinas Bran won on penalties. Di iawn lads. Great effort!

On Wednesday our Year 7 students will participate in a talent show during registration and period 1. The excitement is growing and who knows what kind of skills will be unearthed? As you know, it’s a magical moment when someone discovers that they’re actually really good at something and their peers appreciate it! We love to see our students growing in character and confidence.

Sixth Form trial exams begin on Thursday and all students now have their examination timetables. Trial exams not only give a good indication of progress but also present students with valuable opportunities to face genuine examination board questions in an environment which mirrors the one they will experience again in the summer.

And finally, on Sunday night our MFL team will take 50 students to Aachen, Germany, to visit the world-famous German Christmas markets. Students from Years 9-11 will have the opportunity to practise their language skills in a real life situation as they will undoubtedly seek to purchase wonderful hot chocolate, many varieties of sausage and other festive goodies. The trip returns late on Wednesday evening and we can’t wait to hear their stories and see the photos. It looks like it’s going to be as cold over there as it currently is over here, which will presumably just add to the authentic Christmas feel!

Have a great weekend. Cael penwythnos gwych.