School Blog (25/11/22)

Welcome to the School Blog. Bore da! We have nearly reached the middle of this half term, and the lighter evenings are now a thing of the past. However, we are thrilled to announce that our new all-weather pitch will partially open to all students who wish to play football at lunchtimes from Monday. Students must wear trainers and leave bags outside the enclosure. Additionally, food and drink must remain outside the all-weather area. We are excited to use this valuable resource again and ask for your support in ensuring students follow the rules for everyone’s safety and to keep the school insurance policy valid. Remember, students should only wear their trainers on the pitch at lunchtime.

Recently, we have observed some concerning incidents of students crossing the road near the White Lion Pub without due regard to traffic. This section of the road is a bottle-neck for traffic, and visibility is poor for crossing. We want all students and motorists to stay safe at all times. Therefore, we will address this issue through our assemblies and group-tutor sessions. Please reinforce this message with your children.

After an excellent second-half performance against the USA (we won’t mention the first!), Wales takes on Iran today. At the time of writing, most of our students have gathered in their year groups to enjoy the game. For many, this event demonstrates pride in their heritage, aligning with the spirit of the New Curriculum for Wales. Pob Lwc Tim Cymru!

This week in our Welsh lessons (gwersi Cymraeg), we focused on the World Cup (Cwpan y Byd). Urdd youth officers visited our key stage 3 classes for creative activities. Students participated in an origami session, following Welsh language instructions, and produced Welsh football shirts to show support for our Tim Pel-Droed Cymru.

Following the Curriculum for Wales theme, our new Lower School (Years 7, 8 & 9) STEM club has seen excellent attendance. One of the first themes covered was ‘Plastics – how slime is made from thermoplastic’. As you can see from the photos, students engaged hands-on and loved the experience. More sessions are coming, so please encourage students to join the fun on Wednesday lunchtimes. Science and Technology teachers will supply all details, or just ask Group Tutors for more info! We have also just been awarded a grant from LEGO to assist with running this club and are now participating in Learning Aluminium’s ‘Binfluencers’ national competition, exploring effective recycling methods.

Tonight, Friday, 25th November, is the night of the CAFA Fashion Show. Tickets are available for purchase at the door for anyone who hasn’t yet bought them. Doors open at 6.30pm, and the show starts at 7pm. Refreshments will be available.

The deadline for orders for Christmas trees and wreaths has been extended to Sunday, 27th November. These items have proven popular in previous years due to their great quality at a reasonable price. Orders are online. Please see the link here: Christmas Trees and Wreaths Orders.

The Featured Image of the School Blog for 25/11/22

Our new Student Council has been elected and held a very successful first meeting. This body plays an essential role in our school’s running, providing an effective conduit for ideas and suggestions that guide school decision-making. All year groups are represented, and feedback is taken forward from Year Council meetings.

Our Lower School link with Collège Louis-Augustin Bosc in France continues to thrive. So far this year, we have exchanged two pieces of work – a postcard and a paragraph with students introducing themselves. Besides receiving work from France, we take photos and share them on a shared ‘Padlet’ for the teachers to show their students. Please follow the link below to view some of our work. We will also send Christmas cards and make nameplates for our French students in early December: Padlet Link.

Now is a good time to promote our Lower School Languages Club. The club is for students in Years 7, 8, and 9 in T15 with Miss Lumsdon and Miss O’Neil.

We are delighted that so many parents and carers of Year 7 students have made appointments for the virtual Group Tutor meeting on either Monday or Tuesday afternoon next week. These sessions have always proved highly informative and helpful in developing our partnership to support all students effectively. Then, on Thursday, we will hold our (face-to-face) Year 12 Parents and Carers’ Evening at school, starting at 4pm. Thank you to those who have already made appointments.

Sixth Form students are now at an advanced stage in their trial examination preparations. We encourage all to study effectively while maintaining a good work/life balance during the lead-up to their exams and throughout the assessment period of 5th – 14th December.

See you back here soon for the next School Blog!