At Castell Alun, CCADS (Canteen: Castell Alun Digital Signage) stands as a dynamic communication tool that actively disseminates vital information throughout our school community. Strategically positioned across key areas of the campus, CCADS ensures that students and staff stay informed and engaged with real-time updates and announcements.

From morning announcements to event schedules, CCADS delivers information promptly and efficiently. Whether in classrooms, corridors, or common areas, these digital displays serve as constant touchpoints for relevant news, upcoming events, and important notices. This seamless integration of technology into our daily operations enhances communication and fosters a more connected school environment.

Transitioning between different content types, CCADS smoothly alternates between school news, extracurricular activities, and emergency alerts. This versatility ensures that everyone in our school community receives timely and pertinent information. For instance, during assemblies, CCADS captivates attention with vibrant visuals and concise messages, reinforcing key points and announcements effectively.

Moreover, CCADS adapts flexibly to changing needs and priorities. Whether highlighting achievements of our students or promoting community initiatives, these digital displays remain adaptable and responsive. By leveraging modern technology, we optimize communication channels and streamline information delivery, ultimately enhancing the overall school experience.

In conclusion, CCADS plays a pivotal role in keeping Castell Alun informed and connected. By leveraging its capabilities, we ensure that our school remains at the forefront of effective communication practices. As technology continues to evolve, our display system stands ready to evolve alongside it, continually enhancing how we engage, inform, and inspire our school community.

Lorna Jenner (02/08/24 - 7PM) Exploring Flintshire's Coast at Hope Community Library First Friday Speakers DID YOU KNOW... ? Castell Alun's exam results
were among the highest in Wales
at both GCSE and A Level last year?
IMPROVING CAHS THIS YEAR Our School Development Plan states that we will intentionally.... Embrace our Welsh
heritage and promote
a bilingual culture
throughout Castell Alun
GCE Results Day: Thursday 15th August

Year 12 and Year 13 will be able to collect their results at school from 8.00am to 10.00am. Results will also be sent electronically direct to students’ Castell Alun email account after 10am.

GCSE Results Day: Thursday 22 August

Year 11 will be able to collect their results at school from 8.00am to 10.00am. Results will also be sent electronically direct to students’ Castell Alun email account after 10am.

Year 10 results will be sent electronically direct to students’ Castell Alun email account by 9am. They will not be available to collect from school.
DID YOU KNOW... ? Nearly all Castell Alun Sixth Form students
secured sought-after apprenticeships,
entered the employment of their choice
or accepted places at their first-choice
universities in September 2023
IMPROVING CAHS THIS YEAR Our School Development Plan states that we will intentionally.... Further improve attendance, teaching
effectiveness, learning outcomes
and how we use our data
Bore da – Good morning
Prynhawn da – Good afternoon
Noswaith dda – Good evening
Sut wyt ti? – How are you?
Iawn diolch – OK thanks
Hwyl fawr – Good bye
Os gwelwch yn dda – Please
Esgusodwch fi – Excuse me
Diolch – Thank you
DID YOU KNOW... ? 38% of all A level grades awarded to
Castell Alun students were at A or A*,
and 5 students got 4 A* grades each!
IMPROVING CAHS THIS YEAR Our School Development Plan states that we will intentionally.... Communicate effectively with all
members of the school community
Os gwelwch yn dda - Please
Diolch – Thank you
Cofrestr / Register
Yma - Here
Ddim yma – Not here
Gwyliau - Holidays Ga i... – May I...

(add one of the following)

fynd i’r toiled – go to the toilet
dynnu fy siwmper – take my jumper off
bapur - paper
DID YOU KNOW... ? Throughout Castell Alun we have
students who represent their
area or country in many varied sports
IMPROVING CAHS THIS YEAR Our School Development Plan states that we will intentionally.... Develop and maintain high levels of
wellbeing among students and staff
Mon - Thurs: 8.45am- 1.30pm

Friday: 8.45am- 1.45pm

Students with suggestions for new library books can either give the information to their
Registration Tutors or to the duty librarian
DID YOU KNOW... ? We pride ourselves in getting the
very best from and for each of our
students at Castell Alun,
whatever their ability
IMPROVING CAHS THIS YEAR Our School Development Plan states that we will intentionally.... Do all that we are able to ensure that we are an inclusive
school and a community which does not allow
poverty to impact negatively on our students
@HopeComLibrary @hopecommunity
Please follow
DID YOU KNOW... ? Ten of our GCSE students scored at
least 9 A* grades each, but more importantly,
on results day, nearly every student knew they
had done their best and were happy.
Developing successful futures Datblygu dyfodol llwyddiannus