Year 6 FAQ

Year 6: FAQs

Where do I get School uniform and PE kit from?

You can buy the School uniform and PE kit at FR Monkhouse Ltd, 14 -16 New Street, Mold. Tel: 01352 756636 to book an appointment.

What types of coats can I wear?

You can wear any coats apart from denims, leather jackets and track suit tops.

Can I wear jewellery?

Only one ear stud may be worn in each ear. Two plain rings may be worn, but large sovereign type rings are unsuitable. Body/facial jewellery is not permitted.

Can I wear Makeup?

No makeup or nail varnish is allowed. That’s the rule.

What should I do if I need to go to the toilet during lesson time?

You should really go at break or lunchtime, but if you are desperate, ask your teacher and they will sign your student organiser. You will need to take this with you.

What do I do if I lose possessions?

Report the loss to your Group Tutor or ask at reception if it has been handed in. Make sure you write your name on your belongings.

Will I be bullied?

Bullying is taken very seriously at Castell Alun. I if you do feel unhappy for any reason, tell your Group Tutor or Student Development Manager who will be happy to help.

When can I use the Library?

The library is open to Year 7 during every break and every lunchtime.

When will I get to use the computers?

You will use the computers in Information Technology lessons and occasionally in other subjects. Computers are also available for use at lunchtime in G5 or G16.

What should I do if I feel ill or get hurt?

Tell a teacher and he/she will send you to Student Reception.

How will I remember my Homework?

On the first day you will be equipped with an Organiser where you should list down every homework set. Your Group Tutor will be looking at your Organiser regularly to check that you have been writing in your homeworks.

What do I do if I don’t understand a homework task?

See your Subject Teacher or your Group Tutor.

What happens if I don’t do my homework?

If you forget to do your homework most teachers will give you a warning. If you get two warnings, then you may need to stay in for detention.

Will I have enough time before the bus leaves?

School ends at 3:15 but the buses don’t leave until 3:22. You have got plenty of time, so don’t panic.

What happens if I’m absent from school?

On your first day back make sure you give a note to your Group Tutor which explains your absence or ask your parents/carers to ring in. If you do forget don’t worry, tell your Tutor and bring it in the next day but don’t forget your note because it needs to be signed by a parent or carer.

What do I do if I miss the bus home?

Report to Student Reception. Do not walk home! Your parents/carers will be contacted to inform them were you are.

What happens if I’m absent from school?

On your first day back make sure you give a note to your Group Tutor which explains your absence or ask your parents/carers to ring in. If you do forget don’t worry, tell your Tutor and bring it in the next day but don’t forget your note because it needs to be signed by a parent or carer.

What happens if I get lost?

If you get lost, ask the person you see first. Both teachers and students should be more than happy to help. Alternatively, head for Student Reception.

What do I do if I arrive late?

Firstly, you must ensure that you are not late and that you have a genuine reason. If this does happen, be sure to sign in at Student Reception. Then you will report to your normal lessons. If you are consistently late, a letter will be sent home to your parents carers.

What do I do if I have a dental/medical appointment?

Bring a note in for your Group Tutor then you will be asked to sign out at Student Reception.

What do I do if I have forgotten to bring something to school (Eg. homework or PE Kit)?

Explain to your Subject Teacher at the start of the lesson.

What do I do if I forget my dinner money?

Tell your Group Tutor.

What do I do if I take medication?

Leave all medication at the school office. Bring a letter from home to explain what the medication is for and when it needs to be taken.

What do I do if I get something confiscated?

Ask the teacher who has confiscated it when it can be collected and what the conditions are.

What do I do if I have a personal problem that I want to talk about or a complaint?

Talk to your Group Tutor, Student Development Manager.

How do I leave a class if I have to go somewhere (i.e. to a musical instrument lesson?)

If you need to leave for another lesson, then you will be given a pass in your register. If you show this to the teacher, you will be let out to attend your other class.

If I miss any work, will I have to catch up?

Yes, you will have to catch up. Speak with your teacher in your next lesson when you are back.  Ask about what you have missed.  You will be allowed to copy up from notes from a friend’s book.

How do I join a lunchtime or after school club?

Ask your Group tutor. If it is a PE Club, ask your teacher when you have a PE lesson.

Can I bring my mobile phone to school?

Yes, but it is to be turned off and kept in your bag