Events Calendar

Please note that the dates featured in the Events Calendar are subject to change.

The featured image of the Castell Alun High School Events Calendar. A photograph of a thumbtack stuck into a calendar.

About the Events Calendar

Welcome to the events calendar for Castell Alun High School! Here, you can stay updated with all the latest happenings and important dates within our vibrant school community.

At Castell Alun High School, we believe in fostering a dynamic and engaging environment for our students, staff, and the wider community. Therefore, our events calendar reflects this commitment. It showcases a wide range of events that cater to the diverse interests and talents of our students. Whether it’s academic-related events, such as parent-teacher conferences, open days, and exam schedules, or extracurricular activities, including sports matches, music concerts, and drama performances, our calendar has it all.

We also feature community events that encourage participation and involvement from parents and local residents. From charity fundraisers to community service initiatives, these events are integral to our school’s mission. They promote a sense of community and responsibility among our students.

For sports enthusiasts, our calendar includes the latest fixtures and results for our school teams. You will also find details about training sessions and tournaments. Additionally, our arts and culture events section highlights upcoming performances, exhibitions, and workshops. This provides a platform for our talented students to showcase their skills and creativity. Tickets to our events can be found and purchased at our Ticket Store.

Navigating our calendar is simple and user-friendly. It ensures you can quickly find the information you need. Each event entry includes comprehensive details such as date, time, location, and a brief description. Moreover, it offers any necessary contact information or registration links.

Stay connected and engaged with Castell Alun High School by regularly checking our events calendar. Join us in celebrating our achievements, supporting our initiatives, and participating in the vibrant life of our school community. Your involvement makes a difference. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!