NEWS: Helen Ryvar’s Record-Breaking Marathon Challenge (28/01/25)

Helen Ryvar’s Record-Breaking Marathon Challenge (28/01/25)

Our website news posts aim to keep our school community informed, engaged, and connected. We share a variety of updates ranging from important announcements and student achievements to upcoming events and school initiatives. These posts serve as a window into our school’s culture and values. They highlight the many activities that make our community unique. By regularly updating our news section, we ensure that parents, students, staff, and visitors are always in the loop regarding what’s happening within our school.

The news posts also showcase the dedication and talent of our students and staff. Whether it’s celebrating academic achievements, sharing creative projects, or recognizing community involvement, these updates give us the opportunity to spotlight the wonderful efforts of those within our school. We also share stories that reflect our school’s commitment to growth, inclusivity, and excellence. These demonstrate how we continue to adapt and evolve.

Additionally, our news posts help foster a sense of belonging and pride. By sharing positive stories and meaningful milestones, we build stronger connections with our readers and reinforce the importance of community. From event recaps to important reminders, these updates help everyone feel more connected and engaged with school life.

We encourage all visitors to check our website news regularly. This will help you to stay informed and celebrate the achievements of our students and staff. The posts are written with a friendly and informative tone, making them accessible to everyone in our community. Whether you’re a parent looking for updates or a visitor interested in learning more about our school, you’ll find that our news section offers valuable insights into what makes our school a special place to learn and grow.

I just had to share this amazing news! One of our parents, Helen Ryvar, has accomplished the unbelievable feat of running 1,000 consecutive half marathons—a new world record! She truly embodies one of  our school’s value of determination. For 1,000 days straight, she managed to balance a full-time job and caring for her three children while achieving this incredible goal. I was lucky enough to meet  her after the final run on Friday! You can follow her inspiring journey on Facebook, where she’s also raising money for Cancer UK. A truly remarkable feat!

Colin Ellis – Headteacher

Social media image of the Headteacher meeting Helen Ryvar, a parent who achieved a new world record for running 1,000 consecutive half marathons (28/01/25)

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