School Blog (15/01/21)

Welcome to the School Blog for 15th January, 2021. It’s eerily quiet in the school building, yet we’re bustling with activity behind the scenes, delivering the remote curriculum and supporting students working diligently from home.

Our students have been putting in real effort this week. With lessons delivered through a combination of live sessions, recorded lessons, and posted work, we provide a comprehensive ‘blended learning’ experience. We’re incredibly proud of the majority of our learners, who are adapting exceptionally well to the current situation. However, we understand that some students find these conditions more challenging, and we are committed to helping everyone succeed.

Each day begins with registration at 8:50 am. It’s a valuable check-in time and part of the standard school day. Group tutors will contact non-attendees to ensure everyone is present. While it may not be natural for some teenagers to get up early, this routine helps maintain structure and support.

Students are logging into their lessons, following timetables, and completing their work, much as they would if they were in school. We understand it might not be possible for all students to follow their timetables exactly. Teachers are sympathetic and encourage students to communicate any additional help they need. Remember, teachers are online during lessons to assist with any tasks.

Thank you for your kind and supportive communications. Your messages are truly inspiring. We also carefully consider any concerns raised. I have asked colleagues to ensure that work set in lessons can be completed within 50 minutes to avoid overloading students. We have extended our live-stream input and listened to feedback on delivering sections of lessons in this format. Staff confidence in blended learning has greatly improved, providing genuine variety in learning experiences.

We have no new information regarding external assessments for examination-year students or the return to the school building. The health and safety of everyone will always guide our implementation of national and regional directives.

It’s important to celebrate our students’ achievements and successes. They continue to produce exceptional work, demonstrating effort and diligence. While teachers provide individual feedback, here are some fantastic examples from across the school this week.

Next Thursday, January 21st, we will hold a virtual parents’ evening for Year 10 students. This new format may have initial teething problems, but we hope it can benefit everyone in the future. If parents or carers have any questions, please contact the school in advance. If the Cloud package crashes, we may contact you via phone or make alternative arrangements.

Our Sixth Form Open Evening will be virtual this year, going live at the start of next week. We attract many students from our own Year 11 and other schools each year. Talks and presentations will be available on our school website, and the application process will be straightforward. Our Sixth Form Prospectus will be available online and in hard copy, offering a comprehensive overview of the opportunities at Castell Alun Sixth Form.

Physical Education

Students in Years 7, 8, and 9 have been exploring career paths in sports while completing their physical activities. They investigated various career opportunities through sport, producing interesting and well-presented pieces of work. Special mentions go to Keisha, Caitlin, Nell (9T), Ruby (9N), Esme, and Heather for their exceptional projects.

Design Technology

In Design Technology, students in Years 7 and 8 have started a new Design and Engineering Project. Over the next four weeks, they’ll develop their knowledge of forces, design, and construct a marble run, and compete for the DT MARBLE RUN Trophy. The department is excited to see the innovative solutions students will create.

We hope you can switch off and relax this weekend. Please take care, stay safe and we will see you at the next School Blog.