School Blog (17/07/24)

The featured image of the 17/07/24 School Blog

School Blog

Wednesday 17th July 2024

Final School Blog of the Academic Year

Prynhawn da,Welcome to the final School Blog of the academic year. We have much to cover, but first, we want to bid a fond farewell to colleagues and friends embarking on new journeys. This includes those going on maternity leave, moving on to new professional challenges, or retiring at the end of this week. Serving with each of you has been a pleasure, and we deeply appreciate your contributions. Special thanks to Mrs. Diane Bates for her years of dedication. She will be missed greatly by students and staff alike.

Sports Day Success

Despite the poor weather, we successfully held Sports Day on Monday. A huge diolch yn fawr to Mrs. Rowlands and her team for their hard work. Congratulations to everyone who participated with such energy and enthusiasm. Special mentions go to Lasitha (Year 9), Bethan (Year 7), and Jenna (Year 10) for their outstanding performances. We eagerly anticipate following their progress in athletics.

Matilda Junior Production

Our lower school production of Matilda Junior was a spectacular success. The students were a credit to themselves and the school, receiving high praise from both audience and staff. A massive di iawn to everyone involved, especially Mrs. Lloyd-Jones and Mr. Searson. New Directions Education Ltd generously donated £250 to support the production—diolch yn fawr to them as well.

Royal Navy Engagement Day

Eighty-six Year 9 students participated in a Royal Navy Engagement day, which included a presentation on the Royal Navy’s capabilities and a STEM workshop focused on team-building through rocket building. The day culminated in a competition to see whose rocket could travel the farthest. The students enjoyed the experience and showed great interest in potential careers in the Navy.

History and RS Study Visit

On Saturday, 6th July, Year 12 students embarked on a History and RS study visit to Berlin and Krakow. In Krakow, they visited Auschwitz-Birkenau and interviewed a Holocaust survivor. They also enjoyed the medieval square hosting a circus festival. In Berlin, despite the 30-degree heat, they visited significant historical and cultural sites and experienced the atmosphere of the European Championships at the Olympic Stadium.

Summer Festival Trips

This week, we are running trips to Chester Zoo, Alton Towers, Go Ape, and Zip World as part of our summer festival for students. Year 7 students had a wonderful time at Chester Zoo yesterday. We look forward to hearing stories from Year 8, 9, and 10 trips and are grateful to all staff for their support. Special thanks to Mrs. Thomas for overseeing the week of activities.

Celebrating Welsh Culture

The featured image of the 17/07/24 School Blog

In our last School Blog, we celebrated our wonderful Welsh culture and language. Over 100 Year 7 and Year 12 Welsh students visited the International Eisteddfod in Llangollen, using their Cymraeg throughout the event. Today, all Year 7 students are participating in our Eisteddfod Ysgol, showcasing their talents in various competitions. Diolch to Mrs. Wareing and her team for organizing these events. Da iawn i bawb for celebrating our culture and language.

Sixth Form Charity Netball Game

Our Sixth Form vs. Staff charity netball game raised £181.53 for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. The game was fun and closely contested. A big thank you to our Sixth Form Charity Committee for organizing the event.

Upcoming Results Days

Please note that GCE (AS and A-Level) Results Day is Thursday, 15th August. Students in Years 12 and 13 can collect their results at school from 8.00 am to 10.00 am, with results also sent electronically after 10 am. GCSE Results Day is Thursday, 22nd August, with Year 11 results available at school from 8 am to 10 am and emailed after that. Year 10 results will be emailed directly by 9 am.

Student Achievements

We celebrate Seren (Year 7) for representing Wales at the Dance World Cup finals in Prague. Well done to Bella, Eva (Year 7), and Rhiannon (Year 8) for their excellent performances at the Holywell Gala. Congratulations to Joe (Year 10) for being crowned Hull Boxing Champion. Kudos to Robyn (Year 10) for securing promotion in Women’s Canoe racing. We are also monitoring Josh’s (Year 10) cricket career with great interest.

CAFA’s Success

CAFA (Castell Alun Friends Association) has had a remarkable year, organizing events and raising funds to support students. Their efforts have provided resources such as a renovated counselling room, new football kits, and board games for the Year 7 Chess Club. Thank you to everyone who has supported CAFA.

Safety Reminder and Final Wishes

To conclude, we remind all students to stay safe around water during the summer holidays. Please read this reservoir safety message from Dwr Cymru: Dwr Cymru Reservoir Safety.

We wish everyone a long, safe, and happy summer holiday. School will reopen to students on Wednesday, 4th September, with Year 12 induction on Monday, 2nd September, at 9.30 am.

Have a wonderful break, everybody.

Mwynhewch y gwyliau pawb.