Farewell to Years 11 and 13
Welcome to the School Blog. Today is both a joyous and reflective time as students in Years 11 and 13 formally leave us. Friendships formed here will last a lifetime, and our students have admirably moved forward in their life’s journey, creating precious memories along the way. These students are a credit to themselves, their families, and our school. We would have loved to celebrate with them in our usual way, were it safe and appropriate to do so. We wish every one of them the very best and are excited that so many Year 11 students have chosen to return to the Castell Alun Sixth Form. Similarly, Year 13 students will doubtless keep in touch, and we will continue to inform you of their ongoing successes in life.
Assessment Point 2 Data
For students in examination classes (Years 10 through to 13), we have published our ‘Assessment Point 2’ data today. Should students not be in school to receive these, we will post them home as soon as possible. Students have also been signing off subject-based ‘Decision Making Records’ regarding the process involved in awarding the latest available grades. Provisional Grades will be formally released to students and parents on 18th June, in keeping with the WJEC published time frame. We will keep you fully informed of all stages in the process after half term.
New Building and Refurbishments
Our new building continues to take shape, and we are grateful for the strong professional working relationship we have with Wilmot Dixon, as well as the patience and support of our students, staff, parents, and local neighbours. We have all experienced considerable disruption over recent months, and this will continue for a while longer as we move into the next stage of refurbishing toilet areas on the ground floor and replacing the roof over the Expressive Arts area.
Student Achievements
We are incredibly proud of Millie (Year 8), who has just successfully competed in the first round of the British Westermans Women’s Motocross Championship in Hereford. Millie raced her heart out to finish 2nd on the podium and narrowly missed winning her final race by 0.1 of a second, having led until the last lap! She has a great chance of becoming a British Champion later this year.
Well done to Harrison (Year 8), whose sporting pedigree precedes him. Harrison has recently been called up to train with the Football Association of Wales North Wales Regional Squad. Although Euro 2021 may be a bit early for him, watch this space, as we have high hopes for the future!
Pet Photo Competition
Please remind students that it is not too late to submit a pet photo for our Castell Alun Friends Association competition. The closing date is 4th June, and entry is via Google Classroom.
New Deputy Headteachers
On behalf of the Governing Body, I am pleased to announce the formal appointments of two new Deputy Headteachers at Castell Alun. Congratulations to Mr. Paul Edwards (Castell Alun) and Mrs. Gillian Roberts (Alun School, Mold). Well done to both.
Looking Forward
The weather looks more promising for next week. Let’s hope this is the beginning of things to come. I am sure we are all ready for an opportunity to recharge our batteries!
Thank you for your support. Have a lovely half term and check back here for the next edition of the School Blog.