Friday 11th November 2022

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Today began with a thoughtful, reflective, whole school assembly for Remembrance Day.  We are very thankful to have a such a supportive Governing Body, who joined us for the occasion and we are also grateful to Ella (Year 8), who performed ‘Fountain in the Rain’ so beautifully.  Miss Anna John played the bugle call ‘The Last Post’ as we honoured those who have sacrificed themselves or been injured during war time.  The respect shown for the occasion was absolute across the school hall.

School re-opened for staff on Monday and teachers from around Flintshire gathered to continue planning the Curriculum for Wales which will be introduced gradually over the next couple of years to the lower school.  It was wonderful to see all students back on Tuesday and hear their stories about half term.

On Friday 28th October, 19 Year 13 students, studying History, RS and German, travelled to Berlin for an action-packed itinerary, taking in many of the city’s historical and cultural highlights. This was the first overseas trip that students have been able to go on since COVID and though the trip only lasted three days, students certainly made the most of their time away. Staying in the former eastern part of the city, the hotel was situated right next to the longest section of the Berlin Wall that still stands in Germany’s capital. It was also conveniently located to make use of Germany’s efficient public transport network which allowed staff and students to explore the city in all its fullness. The educational visit took the party firstly to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, once an active working camp for political and asocial prisoners in Nazi Germany and now a preserved memorial.  Students then visited the Olympic Stadium, the TV Tower, the Topography of Terror, Check Point Charlie, the Reichstag Parliament building, the Jewish Museum, and the famous Brandenburg Gates. After an action packed few days, everybody appreciated the fact that it was half term!  Year 13 thoroughly enjoyed their time in Berlin and we all wish our Year 12 students fun when they embark on a similar trip this coming July.

A number of Year 11 PE students had a surprise visit this week, when Rhys Williams the Welsh International Rugby League player joined them to take a rugby lesson.  Rhys, who represented Wales recently in the Rugby World Cup with such aplomb led the lesson, during which students focused on precision passing and movement.

Everybody concerned thoroughly enjoyed the visit and we hope to be able to host such occasions again in the future.  Who knows, legends of the future who will go on to represent our country may well have been in that Year 11 class!

On Wednesday next week, Tempest Photography will be in school and we will produce a rota throughout the day for students in Years 9, 10 and 11 to have their school photographs updated.

On Thursday we look forward to welcoming parents/carers of Year 13 students, and perhaps the students themselves, to school from 4pm onwards for a Parents’ Evening.  This will be the last Parents’ Evening for these students and will be a face-to-face event in the building.

The Castell Alun Friends’ Association’s (CAFA) AGM will take place on Tuesday 15th November at 6.30pm in school.  All new members are welcome to participate in this group and become more deeply involved in school life.  CAFA endeavours to raise funds which are then put directly back into the school to help support students and enhance learning experiences of all kinds.  New members and new ideas are always welcome.

As posted in previous blogs, CAFA are hosting an exclusive fashion show on Friday November 25th at school, with the show starting at 7pm. This is a professional show with current fashion lines from high street stores at 50% or more off retail prices.  All clothes are available to try, purchase and take home on the evening. Cash and card payments are accepted. Prosecco and other refreshments will be available. Tickets are £3 each or you can take advantage of our early bird offer of two for £5! Tickets can be purchased online using the link below and please be prepared to leave your contact details where requested.  This is a great way to show support for the school in helping CAFA raise funds to support our students in various ways:

We have been asked to inform you of a consultation on current proposals for the new Made-for-Wales GCSE curriculum.  Qualifications Wales is creating a brand-new set of GCSEs that seeks to realise the ambition of the new Curriculum for Wales and meet the needs of learners.  They are consulting on proposals for 26 new GCSEs and other related qualifications. These are organised around what the Curriculum for Wales refers to as the six Areas of Learning and Experience.  Qualifications Wales wants people’s opinions on the content and ways of assessing the new qualifications that will be available from 2025.  The proposed qualifications include new combined GCSEs in the Sciences (incorporating Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Cymraeg Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, and Mathematics and Numeracy.  Qualifications Wales also wants people across the country to share their views on the content and assessment of brand-new GCSEs in Social Studies, Engineering, Film and Digital Media, and Dance.  Please follow this link if you would like to be further informed or make any comment on the proposals.  The link will be live until the 14th December –

Finally, a big congratulations to Taylor (Year 11) who has made it through to the third-round selection stage of trials for the Steven Gerrard Football Academy.  Taylor competes in local leagues regularly and we wish him well on his quest to pursue a football related career one day.

It seems unseasonably warm for the time of year ….. famous last words!

Enjoy your weekend / Mwynhewch y penwythnos