Year 6 FAQ
Starting high school is an exciting new chapter, and it’s natural to have plenty of questions. To help make the transition smoother, we’ve compiled the most common questions from Year 6 students, along with insights from current Castell Alun High School students. Explore this FAQ to get all the answers you need and feel ready for your upcoming adventure!
Uniform and Dress Code
You can pick up your School uniform and PE kit from FR Monkhouse Limited, which is located at 14-16 New Street, Mold. To schedule an appointment, call 01352 756636.
You may wear any coat except for denim jackets, leather jackets, and tracksuit tops.
You can wear one ear stud per ear. Additionally, you may wear up to two plain rings; however, avoid large sovereign-type rings. Body and facial jewellery are not allowed.
The school strictly prohibits makeup and nail varnish.
School Transport
School ends at 3:15 PM, but the buses depart at 3:22 PM. You will have plenty of time, so there’s no need to rush.
Report to Student Reception immediately. Avoid walking home alone. We will contact your parents or carers to inform them of your situation.
Ensure you have a valid reason for your lateness. Sign in at Student Reception and then head to your normal lessons. If you are consistently late, we will send a letter home to your parents or carers.
Daily School Procedures
Ideally, use the toilet during break or lunchtime. If necessary, ask your teacher for permission. Your teacher will sign your student organiser, which you must take with you.
Castell Alun addresses bullying very seriously. If you feel unhappy or face any issues, promptly inform your Group Tutor or Student Development Manager. They are ready and eager to help.
You can use the library during every break and lunchtime as a Year 7 student.
Use the computers during Information Technology lessons and sometimes in other subjects. Additionally, you can access computers at lunchtime in G5 or G16.
On your first day, you’ll receive an Organiser to record all your homework assignments. Your Group Tutor will regularly check your Organiser to ensure you’re keeping track.
Seek help from your Subject Teacher or Group Tutor.
If you forget to complete your homework, most teachers will issue a warning. After two warnings, you might need to stay in for detention.
On your first day back, provide a note to your Group Tutor explaining your absence, or ask your parents or carers to call in. If you forget, inform your Tutor and bring the note the following day. Ensure the note is signed by a parent or carer.
Receive a pass in your register for the lesson you need to attend. Show this pass to your teacher to leave your current class.
Provide a note to your Group Tutor and then sign out at Student Reception.
Inform a teacher who will then send you to Student Reception.
Yes, you must catch up. Speak with your teacher during your next lesson to find out what you missed, and consider copying notes from a friend’s book.
Items and Belongings
Report the loss to your Group Tutor or check at reception to see if anyone has handed it in. Be sure to label your belongings with your name.
Inform your Subject Teacher at the beginning of the lesson.
Notify your Group Tutor.
Leave all medication at the school office. Provide a letter from home detailing the medication and its schedule.
Ask the teacher who confiscated the item about when and under what conditions you can retrieve it.
Yes, but keep it turned off and stored in your bag at all times.