Exams: Certificate Collection Notice (22/11/24)
Below is an important update regarding exams and exam results. Please take a moment to read through this information carefully, as it includes crucial details about exam schedules, result release dates, collection procedures, and any additional instructions for students and parents.

CAHS Exam Posts
Welcome to our dedicated section for exam and exam results updates. Here, we share essential information to keep students, parents, and carers fully informed about exam schedules, result release dates, collection procedures, and any other important details. We recommend reading these updates carefully, as they will contain key information for both exam preparation and results collection.
Our goal is to ensure clear and consistent communication regarding exams, so that all students and families are well-prepared and supported. Any important actions, such as how to collect results or steps to take if there are any issues, will be highlighted in each update for your convenience.
Each update is also available for download or printing, so you can keep a copy for reference. Notifications of posts also appear on our official social media channels. If you have any questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to contact us directly.
Thank you for your attention to these crucial exam updates. Staying informed and prepared helps ensure a smooth experience for all. Please check this page regularly for any new announcements or updates about exams and results.
Ex-students are invited to collect their Summer 2024 certificates on Wednesday, 18 December, from 9:30AM to 11:30AM at our Main Reception.
If you are unable to attend, a nominated person can collect the certificates on your behalf with a consent letter from you.
Alternatively, certificates will be available for collection again from Tuesday, 7 January.
In line with exam board regulations, Castell Alun High School will keep certificates for one year.