School Blog (08/01/21)

Happy New Year to all and welcome to the first School Blog of 2021! As we begin this new term, things are very different from our usual routine. Learning has shifted online, with students studying from home instead of being here, where we all prefer they be. However, learning continues nonetheless. Despite ongoing challenges from last year and the likelihood of new ones, we look forward to the year ahead with optimism.

This week, our staff has been diligently delivering the curriculum to all key stages. Students have engaged well, showing resilience and commitment to their studies. Today, I emailed all families, expressing my hope that we can continue to work closely to ensure effective learning throughout this lockdown period.

We understand the challenges that remote learning can create. The school and staff are here to support our students at all times. If anyone needs additional support, please communicate this to us. Students are contacted daily by their group tutors during morning registration, which serves as the first point of contact and an opportunity for students to share any concerns.

Teaching staff are accessible via Google Classroom and their Gmail accounts, and we encourage students to keep in touch regarding their work or any general concerns. For personal issues, please ring the school or email (, and communications will be forwarded to relevant staff. While this is not the situation any of us would choose, we are all in this together and here for one another.

Following a routine can help provide structure to the day and ensure contact and support throughout it. Students are expected to follow their normal timetables as learning continues. Our Blended Learning programme combines live streams, pre-recorded lessons, and set activities. During lesson times, staff are online to answer questions and offer guidance. If students are unable to complete work during their scheduled time, we understand and monitor engagement, offering support as needed. Remember, Google Classroom can be accessed through consoles like Xbox and PlayStation.

We are incredibly grateful for the ongoing support from the Castell Alun Friends Association (CAFA). Their recent generous donation has allowed us to enhance the learning environment, which will play a vital role in supporting students’ mental well-being. Thank you, CAFA!

Our Year 8 History students have made a positive start to their online learning. They completed a research task on King Philip II of Spain, demonstrating excellent research skills and creating well-presented fact files. Notable examples include Niahm, Katy, Jessica, William, Alicia, Dylan, Emily, Chloe, Josh, Aerona, Alice, Maddie, and Spencer.

We anticipate further announcements from the Welsh Government in the coming days and weeks. We apologise in advance for any overlapping communications and will strive to use short social media updates when appropriate.

Wrap up warm and enjoy the weekend as best you can!