School Blog (11/10/24)

Welcome to the Castell Alun School Blog, where we proudly embrace and celebrate our rich Welsh culture!

The Featured Image of the School Blog for 11/10/24

This week has been full of exciting activities highlighting our dedication to Cymraeg. From the first Cyngor Myfyrwyr Cymraeg meeting to various Welsh language and cultural initiatives, our students have been actively involved in shaping bilingualism within our school.
We are thrilled to see such enthusiasm and engagement as we work towards the Cymraeg Campus bronze award. Stay tuned as we continue to share our journey and celebrate all things Welsh. Diolch!

On Wednesday, we proudly held the first Cyngor Myfyrwyr Cymraeg / Welsh Student Council meeting, celebrating the rich Welsh cultural diversity at Castell Alun. With over 50 enthusiastic applications for the council, three representatives have been chosen from each year group. Natasha and Georgia are helping to chair the meetings alongside Mrs. Wareing, our Head of Cymraeg and Bilingualism. The Cyngor Cymraeg plays a vital role in empowering our students to take an active role in shaping the future of bilingualism at our school.

The Cymraeg Campus Logo

This is an exciting year for us, as we strive to achieve the Cymraeg Campus bronze award, which will honour our commitment to promoting and celebrating the Welsh language. We are incredibly proud of our Welsh heritage and the enthusiasm of our students.

Da iawn pawb! Daliwch ati! Watch this space!

A photograph of our Performing Arts Alumni display board.

Over the summer, Mrs. Lloyd-Jones reached out on Facebook, inviting our ex-students who have pursued careers in the Creative Arts to share their successes. The response was truly overwhelming! It’s heart-warming to see so many of our former students thriving in diverse fields, from the West End to television, film, Disneyland, cruise ships and even working behind the scenes in stage management, monster truck shows and festivals.

Their achievements reflect the respect, determination, and honesty instilled during their time at our school. If you know of anyone who deserves a spot on our Performing Arts Alumni wall, please get in touch. At this rate, we might need to fundraise for some extra display boards to celebrate their remarkable journeys!

On Thursday we held a Year 10 Information Evening, aimed at supporting parents and guardians as their children embark on the journey toward GCSEs. The event provided valuable insights into the curriculum, assessment processes and available resources to help students succeed. Our dedicated teachers shared strategies for effective study habits, time management and the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Parents had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in meaningful discussions, ensuring they felt equipped to support their children during this important academic year. Thank you to all who attended; your involvement plays a crucial role in our students’ success!

On October 3rd, Year 10 students attended an assembly with Nicola from Hope House Children’s Hospice, who officially launched the Enterprise and Employability Challenge as part of their GCSE Skills. Through this session students not only gained insight into the inspiring work Hope House does to support local children and their families, but they also began developing essential life skills.

The challenge offers them the opportunity to enhance critical skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication and financial literacy, all of which are crucial for success in the real world. Pob Iwc to our Year 10 students as they start planning and creating their enterprise businesses for the Castell Alun Christmas Market!

A photo from a school visit to Ysgol Pennyffordd Primary circa October 2024

On Monday, our Year 13 Performing Arts students enjoyed a warm welcome at Ysgol Penyffordd Primary School, highlighting the strong connections our school has with the community and our feeder primary schools. During their visit, the students observed and participated in a captivating performance by “Open the Book”. This group is renowned for bringing Bible stories to life through engaging storytelling and drama.

This experience offered insights into various performance styles, highlighting the importance of fostering a love for the arts in youth. It was an inspiring day that deepened Year 13’s understanding of performance, reinforcing our commitment to local schools and community.

Our Cheerleading Team rehearsing a routine, circa October 2024

It’s been a busy week for our Health and Wellbeing team! They have held various activities aimed at promoting physical fitness and emotional resilience. From lunchtime cheerleading training to the netball season, students are actively engaging in health and wellbeing activities.

Our Sixth Form Netball Team after a 6-0 win against Maes Garmon, circa October 2024

Our Sixth Form netball team continues to excel, securing a 6-0 win against Maes Garmon in the Welsh Cup. This achievement showcases their athletic skill, teamwork, perseverance, and personal growth—key elements of Health and Wellbeing. Llongfarchiadau to all!

Next week, we will be celebrating Shwmae Sumae Day on Monday, October 14th. For anyone unfamiliar, this is a day dedicated to celebrating the Welsh language. It holds even more significance for us this year as we work towards achieving the bronze Cymraeg Campus award.

There’s plenty for both students and staff to enjoy and get involved with. To kick off the day, upper school will attend a special assembly focused on the theme of Shwmae Sumae. Lower school tutor groups can take part in a live quiz. Throughout the day, classrooms will be buzzing with bilingual and cultural learning activities.

During breaktime, staff will gather for a paned (cuppa) and enjoy the finest Welsh bakes. The Cymraeg department will be hosting bilingual bingo for sixth form students and staff. All donations collected during break and lunchtime will be donated to the Huntington’s Disease Association.

Mae’n siŵr o fod yn ddiwrnod gwych yn dathlu’r iaith a diwylliant Cymraeg!

It’s set to be a fantastic day celebrating the Welsh language and culture!

We extend our best wishes to our Year 11 students embarking on their Duke of Edinburgh practical this weekend. This incredible experience will not only challenge you physically and mentally but also foster teamwork and resilience. We are confident that you will make unforgettable memories and come away with valuable skills. Good luck, and enjoy every moment of your adventure!

Diolch a mwynhewch y penwythnos!

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Officers: Mr Colin Ellis, Mrs Gail Davies and Mr Craig Stewart. You can reach them via the School Office or by using our Contact Form.

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