School Blog (13/09/24)

Welcome to the School Blog. As the first two weeks of the school year draw to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect on the positive start we’ve had as a school community. It’s heart-warming to see students arrive with enthusiasm and readiness.

We’re proud of the way they’ve embraced the new term. From settling into classes to adjusting to new routines, our students have shown resilience and a strong willingness to engage. This foundation paves the way for a successful year. We’re excited to build on this momentum in the coming months.

We held our first Main Assembly of the year today. We considered the theme of “the importance of process”, in the context of setting out our stall appropriately for a new year. The assembly was led by Year 9 and we are grateful to Tawana, Lily and Archie for their fine readings. A school band, named ‘North Shore’ performed an excellent rendition of “Put Your Records On” and received genuine and thoroughly deserved acknowledgement from the school body.

As a school, we hold high expectations for our students, grounded in our core values: respect, determination, and honesty. Over the past two weeks, we’ve seen these values reflected in student behaviour both inside and outside the classroom.

Respect has been evident in the way students interact with one another and their teachers, creating a positive and inclusive environment.

Determination is clear in the focus and effort nearly all of our students are already putting into their studies, as well as their participation in extracurricular activities.

Honesty, central to building trust and integrity, has been demonstrated through students taking responsibility for their actions and being open in their communication.

Looking ahead, we remain committed to fostering these values as the year progresses. We know that success isn’t just measured in academic achievement, but also in the personal growth of each student. We encourage you all to continue supporting these values at home, reinforcing the importance of respect, determination, and honesty in everyday life.

Together, we can ensure that this year is one of growth, challenge, and success for all our students. Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership as we work to make this school year the best one yet.

I would like to draw your attention to the Summer Raffle run by the Castell Alun Friends Association (CAFA). The draw date is approaching, so please purchase your tickets quickly if you want to take part.

As you may know, CAFA raises crucial funds for our school throughout the year through various fundraising activities. This year’s raffle is particularly impressive, with over 30 prizes up for grabs. Prizes include a voucher for Hickory’s, a paintballing VIP package, a Llangollen Fisheries course, a salon back, neck, and head massage, a luxury hamper, and a photoshoot.

Tickets are on sale for £1 and can be bought by clicking on this link: CAFA Summer Raffle Tickets. The draw will take place on Friday 27th September. As all funds go directly to supporting numerous student activities here at Castell Alun, your support is valued and much appreciated. Good luck!

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See you back here soon for the next School Blog!

If you have any safeguarding concerns whatsoever, please be so good as to contact school at your earliest convenience and speak to one of our safeguarding officers:

Mr Colin Ellis (Headteacher)

Mr Craig Stewart (Acting Deputy Head) 

Mrs Gail Davies (Asst. Head)