Examination Season Success
Welcome to the School Blog. We have finally reached the end of the examination season. Although it has most certainly been trying at times for various reasons, our students have given their best and thoroughly deserve success in the future. We are proud of every single one of them and now eagerly anticipate results days on 18th August (A and AS Levels) and 25th August (Year 11 and some qualifications in Year 10). We will inform you of specific arrangements for these days soon.
National Sports Week Activities
This week has been National Sports Week, and our staff have been busy organising as many physical activities as possible for students to participate in. One example is the lunchtime staff-v-students tennis sessions, which have been well received by all. Weather permitting, several staff intend to participate in a rounders match after school today, which promises to be a sight for sore eyes!
Year 8 Charity Success

As you probably know, each of our year groups undertakes various events to support their chosen charities each year. Year 8 raised an incredible £1,100 over the last few months through fun runs, bake sales, raffles, and other ventures. It was wonderful to hand over the cheque today to ex-student Lauren Tilston, on behalf of the fantastic work undertaken by Nightingale House. Great job, everyone – well done! Nightingale House holds a special place in our hearts at Castell Alun, and two of our Year 12 students will soon participate in a sponsored Midnight Walk to support the charity further. If you would like to support them financially, please follow this link to make a contribution. We will give you further information on the charity work of other year groups next week.
Year 11 Prom Excitement
Everybody is really excited about the Year 11 Prom next Thursday. Students have been busy selecting their outfits! The Prom is a high point of the year and a fitting conclusion to the end of compulsory studies for these students. We will all doubtless have lots of fun in the evening!
Upcoming CAFA Event
CAFA have asked us to publish details of an event they intend to hold on Saturday, 9th July. They plan to run a car boot sale on-site at Castell Alun between 9:30 am and midday. The cost will be £5 per car, and we are hopeful that sufficient people will sign up to participate. Please book your place using the following email address – cafa@castellalun.com. Cars are asked to kindly arrive and set up from 9 am, and for safety reasons, last admissions for any stall holders will be 9:25 am. Refreshments will be available, and there will be a pre-loved uniform stall and a pre-loved textbook stall. Thank you so much to all in CAFA for your unwavering efforts to support us!
Parent Questionnaire
We recently sent out a questionnaire to parents of students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12. Parents’ opinions really matter to us. We would be extremely grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the short survey emailed to you, if you have not already had a chance to do so.
Job Opportunities with Newydd
Colleagues at Flintshire County Council have asked us to share that there are some positions to be filled with Newydd, the organisation which looks after catering in schools. If you require further information, please contact them on 01352 704119 or email newyddops@newydd.wales.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mwynhewch y penwythnos!
See you back here soon for the next School Blog!