School Blog (29/01/21)

Welcome to the School Blog. As January winds down, we continue to navigate through these unusual times. We expect an announcement today from the Minister regarding the return to school for students in Wales. Although details are still forthcoming, similar updates have been provided in England by Boris Johnson. As mentioned previously, our schools will be issuing Centre Determined Grades later this academic year for examination classes.

We are acutely aware of the impact this prolonged period of remote learning is having on our students’ mental health. Many of our students have adapted remarkably well, and as a staff, we deeply appreciate the challenges they face. Thanks to your valuable feedback and in recognition of the upcoming Child Wellbeing Week, we have designated the week beginning February 8th as a Wellbeing Week.

During Wellbeing Week, no new learning will be introduced. Instead, we’ll provide students with the opportunity to catch up on outstanding work and check in with their teachers. Teachers will remain available online during their scheduled classes to offer support and guidance. While no new work will be set, extension tasks and light-hearted activities will be available for those who are interested and caught up with their current assignments. This approach ensures that the upcoming half term break is truly a time for relaxation and rejuvenation, preparing students for the challenges ahead.

Year 7 Welsh Wordles

The Welsh department has encouraged students to engage creatively offline. Year 7 students were tasked with creating wordles using Welsh words related to leisure. The results were impressive, with standout pieces from Robyn in 7E, Alex in 7M, Menna in 7T, and Lois in 7M, showcasing the talent and effort of our students. Da Iawn!

Year 8 Geography: Weather and Climate Studies

In Geography, Year 8 students have been studying weather and climate, culminating in a task to write and present weather forecasts. Joe in 8S notably created a video forecast incorporating references to current lockdown activities. His creative approach and the high quality of work from the entire class are commendable.

Year 9 Art: Drawing Skills Showcase

Our Year 9 artists have been honing their drawing skills by creating detailed pencil drawings of their favourite treats. The level of talent and effort across the group is impressive, highlighting the potential within our young artists.

As we approach February, there’s a cautious optimism for better times ahead. Inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words we remain confident in our community’s resilience and strength:

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us,”

With more snow predicted, make sure to wrap up warm and enjoy the weekend as much as possible. Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Let’s keep looking forward and nurturing the potential within each of us.