School Blog (19/03/21)

Welcome to the School Blog! This week, we’ve been thrilled to see our students return to campus! It’s been a while since we’ve had entire year groups in school. We welcomed Years 11 and 13 on Monday, followed by Year 12 on Thursday, and Year 10 today. We’re eagerly anticipating the return of all year groups on Tuesday, 13th April, right after the Staff Training Day on the 12th.

Returning to school after such a long break is both exciting and challenging. While many students have enjoyed reconnecting with friends and teachers, we understand that others may feel apprehensive. As we prepare for the return of Years 7, 8, and 9 next week, we urge anyone feeling uneasy to discuss their concerns with their group tutors and teachers. We’re here to offer all the support you need during this transition.

Health and safety remain our top priority. We expect everyone to adhere to strict protocols, many of which have been in place since September. Students should wear their standard uniform, but if they have P.E. first period, they may come in P.E. kit. They should bring their uniform to change into after the lesson. If P.E. is the last period of the day, students can stay in P.E. kit when they go home.

New procedures from December are still in effect. We’re impressed by how students have adhered to these rules, especially wearing face masks in all communal areas and classrooms. These measures are crucial, and we must all continue to follow them unless an exemption applies, in which case a written request should be submitted for an exemption card.

For Years 11, 12, and 13, this period is critical as we conduct assessments to determine Centre Determined Grades (CDGs). These assessments will not overwhelm students, as we’ve spread them out over the coming weeks, both before and after Easter. Students will receive advance notice and guidance to prepare.

While we don’t want to add unnecessary stress, assessments are essential due to the Welsh Government’s decision to replace summer exams with CDGs. It’s important for students to perform at their best, so they should listen to their teachers’ advice and commit fully to their work. If students have any concerns, they should speak with their teachers, who are ready to support them.

During lockdown, many of us explored new hobbies and interests, and our students are no exception. Hayden in 10U has been working on an impressive project: a giant animatronic Bombardier Beetle! Currently standing at 6 feet tall, this beetle will eventually wiggle its antennae, move its head, and even squirt water! Hayden was inspired by the Mind Bogglingly Big BUGS Exhibition at Chester Zoo in 2013. Since February 1st, he’s dedicated his Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays to bringing this beetle to life. His achievement is truly remarkable. Well done, Hayden!

With only one week until the Easter break, it feels like this term has flown by, mostly because we’ve missed having our students around. Let’s focus on our successes and stay positive. The enthusiasm and engagement of returning students have been fantastic. A huge thank you and well done to everyone for your efforts.

Here’s hoping the weekend brings us the rugby result we’re all hoping for! See you in the next School Blog.