School Blog (03/05/24)

We are now over halfway through this half term, and the extended bank holiday weekend is just around the corner. This time of year is always incredibly busy, with older students and staff focusing intensely on the upcoming public examinations. We want to remind all students that we are here to help and support you during this busy time—whether you need a listening ear or some extra assistance.

Breaking from tradition, our Year 11 Record of Achievement (ROA) Ceremony is being held this afternoon. Due to the exam timetable, we couldn’t schedule it on the day Year 11 officially leave us, but we’re excited to celebrate together today. We’re especially grateful to Alice and Maisie Jones, former Castell Alun students and co-founders of the internationally successful clothing company Sisters and Seekers, for joining us as guest speakers. The ROA Ceremony is a special time to recognize all that Year 11 has achieved, and we wish them the best of luck in their exams and future endeavors—whether they stay with us for the next couple of years or move on to new adventures.

Friday, 10th May, will be the last day for Year 12 Sixth Form students before they begin their study leave in preparation for their AS and equivalent exams. The year group will return to lessons on Monday, 3rd June. We know they’ve been putting in the effort, and we wish them all the success they deserve!

Our Year 7 Parents’ Evening is scheduled for Thursday, 16th May, starting at 4 pm. Due to the public exams, this event won’t be held in the Sports Hall, so please check carefully for the room locations where you’ll meet with teaching staff. It’s been wonderful to see how well our Year 7 students have adapted to secondary school life, and we have high hopes for their future.

In sporting news, we’re focusing on athletics this week. We’re thrilled to report that we fielded four teams at the Flintshire Athletics meeting at Deeside last week, and all students will advance to the North East Wales round on 16th May. The results were fantastic: Junior Girls – 1st, Junior Boys – 2nd, Middle Girls – 3rd, and Middle Boys – 2nd. This is an outstanding effort from all involved—ardderchog pawb!

Finally, CAFA is hosting another Sound Bath event next Tuesday. These sessions are incredibly popular and often oversubscribed, so be sure to book your spot as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. You won’t want to miss it! See more details here.

Enjoy the upcoming bank holiday weekend, and good luck to all our students with their exams and other endeavours.

See you here soon for the next School Blog!