School Blog (23/09/22)

Welcome to the School Blog. Even at this early stage of the academic year, plenty is happening at Castell Alun. Although only a four-day school week, Year 7 students had their first experience of sitting an assessment their CATs tests. We will not know the results of these potential-predicting assessments for a while, but we are pleased to report that our new intake students coped with the day admirably.

Plans are very much in hand for our next New Intake Open Evening from 6.30 pm on Thursday 29th September. How the last year has flown! Pupils in local primary schools will receive our main School Prospectus either later today or on Monday, and we are really looking forward to meeting the current Year 6 and their families. On the evening, there will be opportunities to meet staff, students, attend mock lessons, see presentations, and gain a real flavour for our school campus and community.

The Headteacher, Mr. Colin Ellis, and Miss Janice Jones (Student Development Manager – Year 7) will deliver the main presentations at 6:30 pm and 7:15 pm. With ample capacity for attendees, car park attendants will be available from 6:10 pm to assist. Visitors can access the event from either the front or rear entrance, where they will receive a leaflet outlining the session details and locations.

For our younger guests, there will be stickers to collect and prizes for those who complete their collection and are lucky enough to be drawn from the hat. The following day, Friday 30th September, we will host an Open Morning, mainly for families who cannot attend the evening event. Please book a school tour in advance via email at There will be two tours, one at 9:30 am and another at 11:30 am.

Please can we once again draw your attention to the Governor Ballot forms sent home with students this week? Each parent/carer should have received a ballot form. Each individual may select three of the nominees named on the sheet. We ask that ballots are returned by post, in person, or a registered school student by no later than Monday 3rd October at 1 pm. Ballot papers received after the stipulated time and date will not be counted.

As you are probably already aware, Flintshire Council intends to implement a new traffic regulation order on some of the roads surrounding the campus. The proposed plans are available to view on our social media. Interested parties can also view the essential details attached to a number of the local lamp-posts on the roads concerned.

CAFA (Castell Alun Friends’ Association) will hold their first meeting of the new year . It will be taking place on Monday next week (26th September) in school at 6.30 pm. Anybody who would like to come along, perhaps with a view to joining, would be very welcome indeed.

At some point next week, weather permitting, we intend to hold a fire drill in school. All year groups have been briefed about this already and shown how and where to exit the building and line up when the siren sounds. This is a standard event in the life of the school and not one which should cause any concern to members of the student population.

On Wednesday 28th September, students across the main school who have their signed forms will receive their flu immunisation spray. Please ensure students bring their consent letter with them for this to take place. On the same day, students in Years 7, 8, and 9 will attend a Harvest Assembly during registration, where we will all be reminded to be thankful for the good things we have.

Many of us watched the events leading up to the Queen’s funeral. At Castell Alun, we are proud of our students’ successes even when they leave us to go on to pastures new. Harrison, who left Castell Alun a couple of years ago, participated in the Queen’s parade in London.

Really well done to Lexi (Year 7), who represented Castell Alun at a recent athletics meeting and took a silver and bronze medal in her middle-distance events. Also in Year 7, Emily competed against the best of British in the British Ju Jitsu National Championships in Walsall and reached the very pinnacle of performance, picking up a bronze, two silver, and a gold medal. This is absolutely stunning, and we know that a great deal of training has allowed Emily to reach this level.

Finally, congratulations to Kyla (Year 9), who now plays rugby for Valkyries. She is blazing a trail for any other girls who may want to try out this wonderful sport.

See you back here soon for the next School Blog!