Friday 24th May 2024


Bore da,

We have reached the end of one of our longest half terms and the examination season is well underway. To date, students in Years 11, 12 and 13 have already had some of their exams and we are pleased to report that behaviour has been good and expectations are high for students to fulfil their potential at Castell Alun.

Yesterday our Year 11 students completed their final day in mainstream schooling and, despite the weather, we enjoyed a pleasant afternoon signing shirts and exchanging stories about the activities of recent years. There are further exams to sit but we will have fond memories of Year 11 and we very much look forward to their Leavers’ Prom in just a few weeks now.

Our Year 13 ceremony takes place this afternoon and we are all eager to hear Mr. Kevin Davies’ message, our guest speaker. How the years have flown! This year group has been of high calibre and we are both sorry to see them go but also really happy with their progress and plans for the future. Somebody once said that you “never really leave Castell Alun” and we eagerly anticipate our students keeping in touch with us and continuing to share their successes in life with their friends at school.

We have a number of successes to tell you about this week. In no particular order then….

Amelie and Ava (Year 7) both performed on Sunday in Matilda the Musical with Theatre Gemz. Amelie had the part of Miss Trunchball and was convincingly mean and stern and Ava sang her solos beautifully as Matilda. Both girls have a passion for performing arts and have worked hard rehearsing their lines. We are extremely proud of these sisters and will watch their progress and development with great interest as they embark upon further theatrical roles in the near future.

Di iawn to the 6 students who competed in the Anthea Bell Translation Competition run by Oxford University recently. The MFL department is delighted to see students using their language skills outside of the classroom! There will be plenty of other occasions upon which students can demonstrate their skills however, a massive llongyfarchiadau to Olivia (Year 9) and Alexandra (Year 10) who were commended for their outstanding translations in Spanish and French. Who knows where the development of such skills may one day lead?

Excellent job to Aiden, Harry and Ethan (Year 10), who play leading roles in the Flintshire U15 boys’ football team. The lads recently won the Welsh Schoolboys’ Under 15s cup against RCT at TNS football stadium. This is no small achievement and each of the boys will soon have to choose if they would like to develop their football careers further. Also in football news, on Saturday Year 11 boys Will, Charlie, Noah, Jack, Celyn, Cal, Zach and Rhys played for Hawarden Rangers Under 16s, winning the NEWFA cup final. The lads are now undefeated in the Flintshire League and have taken the title and indeed become cup champions for the second year running! Llongyfarchiadau!

Last weekend Lucy and Macy (both Year 8) played for Deeside Netball Club Under 13s in the National Club Under 14s finals in Cardiff. The team came so close to overall glory and eventually lost in the semi-final of the cup, which means that they have claimed the accolade of being in the top 4 clubs in Wales. This is an amazing achievement, especially when you consider that the girls were playing in the year group above the norm.

In rugby news our U13s Girls’ Rugby Team went through to the final of the bowl competition of the Eryri Cup this week against a very strong Emrys Ap Iwan school from Conwy. Castell Alun became champions

with the match having a final score of 32-29. The game was nip and tuck throughout but our girls won through and deserve great accolades for both their individual and team performances.

Llongyfarchiadau to our Year 8, 9 and10 Tennis Team who have won the Flintshire schools round of the regional tennis qualifiers and now move on to represent our county in the next round of this prestigious event.

It is great to see so many of our students playing sport for simple enjoyment also. One example of this is when our Year 7 girls’ rounders team played against Mold Alun recently on Play Evening, after school on a Tuesday. Well done everybody we are very proud of you!

CAFA (Castell Alun Friends Association) have informed us that they will hold another Sound Bath evening on Tuesday 18th June. Due to the extremely popular nature of this event it is very important that any guests pre-book. Please be so good as to follow the instructions on this poster

We now break for a week and upon our return on Monday 3rd June we welcome Year 12 back as they recommence to their studies after their examinations. Parents of Year 8 students are also invited to join us in school on Thursday 6th June from 4pm until 6.30pm for our Year 8 Parents’ Evening.

We hope you enjoy a lovely half term!