Commemorating the Coronation and Celebrating Student Success Welcome to the School Blog. In recognition of the Coronation, all students in school were given a commemorative pen this week, courtesy of CAFA. CAFA wanted to mark this historic day with a small, useful memento from which every student could benefit. In […]
Castell Alun High School
Celebrating the Coronation Welcome to the School Blog. Many of us enjoyed the Bank Holiday last weekend, and of course, we will not be in school on Monday, 8th May, as this is another Bank Holiday for schools to celebrate King Charles’ Coronation. However, we are mindful that many of […]
End of April Update and Exciting Upcoming Events Welcome to the School Blog. As April draws to a close, our foreign language classes have nearly all completed their oral assessments. We would like to congratulate everyone on their efforts and performances in what can be a nerve-racking environment. Now, it’s […]
Post-Easter Update and Upcoming Events Welcome to the School Blog. We trust you have all managed to enjoy the Easter break and hope that the fine weather we had during the first week will return soon. School is very much back in session, and even this week, our Year 10 […]
Wrapping Up a Busy Term and Looking Forward to Easter Welcome to the School Blog. An extremely busy term concludes today, and although everyone is doubtless ready for a change of scenery, there is a great deal to be proud of since Christmas. Easter Assembly Celebration Easter is a special […]
Celebrating Achievements and Exciting Events Welcome to the School Blog. This week, we celebrated International Women’s Day with a Lower School Assembly on Wednesday. We were treated to a wonderful performance of We Are All Made of Stars by Lily (Year 7), who sang with great poise and confidence. Lily […]
Celebrating Achievements and Upcoming Events Welcome to the School Blog. It feels like an age ago already, even though it was just last week, that we celebrated our Dydd Gwyl Dewi Assembly. We are very grateful for the excellent readings and reports presented by Ewan, Megan, and Georgia (Year 11), […]
A Brief Edition of the School Blog As you know, this week has been exceptional due to Flintshire County Council’s decision to close all schools in anticipation of extreme weather conditions. We have remained closed today because of the snow that fell again overnight, creating treacherous travel and campus conditions. […]
School Update Amidst Industrial Action Welcome to the School Blog. Thank you once again for your patience during these challenging times of industrial action. We will monitor the situation and keep you well-informed of any developments before the next planned action. This is currently scheduled for the 15th and 16th […]
The Half-Term Update Welcome to the School Blog. With the days gradually lengthening, both students and staff look forward to a well-deserved break. Year 9 Parents’ Evening Success Yesterday evening, we held our Year 9 Parents’ Evening, providing essential advice and guidance to all students on their options for the […]
Christmas Concert Welcome to the School Blog. As many of you will know, we had a wonderful concert in school last night. . We would like to say a big diolch yn fawr to everyone who participated, facilitated, or attended the event. Mental Health Awareness Assembly Our main assembly focused […]
Campus Closure and Industrial Action Welcome to the School Blog. This week has felt quite unusual, with the campus closing to students on Wednesday due to industrial action. We sincerely appreciate your patience and remain genuinely hopeful that the current dispute will resolve soon. Should this not happen, further information […]
Mid-Term Updates Welcome to the School Blog. As we reach the mid-point in this half-term, we are pleased to announce that our Sixth Form Open Evening yesterday was a great success. Our student ambassadors excelled, and guests provided extremely positive feedback about the information supplied and the experience they had […]
Weather Impacts on School Life Welcome to the School Blog. School life has been influenced by the weather conditions to some extent this week. Despite the excitement snowfall brings, students have generally behaved impeccably and with great respect when moving around the school campus. It looks like the weekend will […]
Welcome Back! Welcome to the School Blog. We trust you have all enjoyed a fine break over the Christmas and New Year period. Time goes so quickly, doesn’t it? Christmas Market Success The last few days before Christmas were incredibly busy at school. We were thrilled that our Year 10 […]
End of Term Updates and Celebrations Welcome to the School Blog. As we draw towards the end of an extraordinary long term, it is with deep regret that we were forced to postpone our Christmas Concert due to excessive student and staff absences through illness. We will refund all tickets […]
End of Term Excitement Welcome to the School Blog. With less than two weeks of teaching time left, it is understandable that some of our students are becoming a little excitable. However, it is good to report that behaviour remains appropriate and standards are maintained throughout the curriculum. This is […]
Winter Season Updates and Events Welcome to the School Blog. Bore da! We began the first week of winter this week, and although it is noticeably colder, we have thankfully been spared the rain so far! This dry weather has allowed us to reopen our all-weather pitch to students. Most […]
Mid-Term Update and Exciting Developments Welcome to the School Blog. Bore da! We have nearly reached the middle of this half term, and the lighter evenings are now a thing of the past. However, we are thrilled to announce that our new all-weather pitch will partially open to all students […]
Supporting Children in Need Welcome to the School Blog. Today, our school community supports Children in Need. Kindly make your contributions online via Gateway. The charity will gratefully receive these funds. Although we all agree that the best scenario would be for this charity to become unnecessary, we truly appreciate […]
Remembrance Day Assembly Welcome to the School Blog. Today began with a thoughtful, reflective, whole school assembly for Remembrance Day. We are very thankful for our supportive Governing Body, who joined us for the occasion. We are also grateful to Ella (Year 8), who performed ‘Fountain in the Rain’ so […]
End of a Long Half Term Welcome to the School Blog. As we reach the end of an extremely long half term, we can report that all Year 7 students enjoyed their Talk the Talk workshops yesterday. The trainers were exceptionally complimentary about everyone who participated, praising their skills and […]
Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Assemblies Welcome to the School Blog. As we entered school this morning, we saw a sea of pink across the Sixth Form as students and staff reflected on Breast Cancer Awareness this month. Our Lower School Assembly focused on taking responsibility, featuring excellent readings from […]
Celebrating Shwmae Sumae Day Welcome to the School Blog. Bore Da! Today, we celebrate Shwmae Sumae Day in school. Students have already participated in a live quiz during registration, and various other activities are happening throughout the school today. All KS3 students will engage in a scavenger hunt during their […]
Successful Information Evening Welcome to the School Blog. It was delightful to see numerous Year 10 families yesterday at our Information Evening. Everyone agreed it was a worthwhile occasion, filled with valuable information. Diolch to all families and staff involved in the event. Fire Drill We conducted a fire drill […]
Open Evening and Morning Welcome to the School Blog. Last night we hosted our New Intake Open Evening, and what an amazing occasion it was! Nearly 350 students attended voluntarily to showcase their talents and knowledge of a school they are clearly proud of. Our students have always been our […]
Upcoming Events Welcome to the School Blog. Even at this early stage of the academic year, plenty is happening at Castell Alun. Although only a four-day school week, Year 7 students had their first experience of sitting an assessment their CATs tests. We will not know the results of these […]
A Respectful Atmosphere Welcome to the School Blog. A highly respectful atmosphere has filled our bustling school campus this week. We were thrilled for our students and their families with the examination results of August 2022. We welcomed back a high number of both Castell Alun and external students into […]
Welcome Welcome to the School Blog A great big Castell Alun welcome to all new students, especially this morning. As we start our new school year, we can report that everyone is settling in well. Yesterday evening’s news dominates our thoughts today. Reflecting on Queen Elizabeth’s Legacy We have just […]
End of Year School Blog Welcome to the School Blog. We have just one week left, so this will be the final School Blog of the academic year. Although everyone at school is ready for the summer break, standards remain high in both academic and behavioural terms. Celebrating Reading Millionaires […]
Busy Times Before Summer Break Welcome to the School Blog. As we begin July, we are mindful that our students have only two more weeks of school before their summer break. Year 12 students will not attend lessons from 11th July, with some undertaking work experience and others exploring opportunities […]
Examination Season Success Welcome to the School Blog. We have finally reached the end of the examination season. Although it has most certainly been trying at times for various reasons, our students have given their best and thoroughly deserve success in the future. We are proud of every single one […]
WJEC Frustrations It’s great to have our Year 12 students back with us. Everybody has come through the examination period, although some have expressed frustrations about certain papers. We have already passed these frustrations onto the WJEC. Further feedback will be provided to the board as necessary on an individual […]
Year 12 Returns Welcome to the School Blog. We eagerly anticipate seeing our Year 12 students return on Monday. Many students and staff have already provided feedback to the WJEC on recent examination papers. Additionally, we will send a comprehensive school letter to the examination board and Qualifications Wales. Big […]
Examination Season and Student Achievements Welcome to the School Blog. The examination season is in full flow, and our students have impressed us with their responses. Despite their recent lack of participation in such assessments, they have shown resilience. Many of you are aware that students across Wales have taken […]
Examination Updates and Celebrations Welcome to the School Blog. Our examination students are coping remarkably well, considering that very few have undertaken formal external examinations in the past couple of years. Staff will give feedback on the WJEC and all examination papers to Qualifications Wales over the coming weeks. Therefore, […]
Examination Season Begins Welcome to the School Blog. The examination season has officially begun, and parents/carers of students have been notified of procedures should a student become ill, with or without COVID, when they are due to sit an exam. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to […]
Examination Season Focus Welcome to the School Blog. As the examination season begins, there is most certainly a studious focus in school across all year groups. Rewards Breakfasts We have hosted rewards breakfasts for hardworking and high-performing students in various year groups over the past couple of weeks. Unsurprisingly, the […]
Welcome Back After Easter Welcome to the School Blog. We hope you enjoyed a restful Easter. Our students have returned with excellent attitudes, and many are now ready for their external examinations. Please remember that any student experiencing anxiety or stress should speak to their Group Tutor or Student Development […]
Settling into the New School Week Welcome to the School Blog. We have now returned to a standard school week, which will see us through to the Easter break. Our students have adapted to this slight change in our daily timings with ease. Year 7 Virtual Parents’ Evening Thank you […]
Approaching Easter Break Welcome to the School Blog. With just one more school week to go before the Easter break, we would like to thank you for all of your support and understanding as we have tirelessly sought to keep all students in school, despite ever-increasing COVID rates amongst students […]
Springtime and Rising COVID Cases Welcome to the School Blog. The wonderful weather, lighter mornings, and longer evenings are a welcome change for all of us. Unfortunately, however, incidences of COVID are once again on the rise locally. A number of our staff and students currently have the virus, so […]
Supporting Ukraine Welcome to the School Blog. As a school community, we have all been horrified by the events unfolding in Ukraine. We are sure that you, too, struggle to make sense of such acts of unwarranted aggression. Several organisations are currently putting great effort into helping those displaced from […]
Reflecting on Global Events Welcome to the School Blog. As we navigate what seems to be the tail end of the pandemic, we remain acutely mindful of the horrors continuing in Ukraine. This global situation profoundly influences our lives at present, and many of us have already found ways to […]
Celebrating Our Patron Saint, Dewi Sant Welcome to the School Blog. It was lovely to return to school after the half-term break and spend the week commemorating our patron saint, Dewi Sant, and celebrating all things Welsh. Cake Sale Success On Monday, staff enjoyed partaking in the cake sale. The […]
Focus and Purpose Welcome to the School Blog. As we approach our final week of half term, there is a clear sense of focus and purpose in our school family. This is especially true for those among those preparing for external examinations this summer. Therefore, we feel it is an […]
Approaching Half Term Welcome to the School Blog. It’s hard to believe there are only two more school weeks until half term and that winter is nearly over! Celebrating Welsh Culture Over the last two weeks, we’ve celebrated three important annual Welsh events in school. On Tuesday, January 25th, it […]
Three Weeks In Welcome to the School Blog. We are already three weeks into this half term, and despite the short daylight hours, time is flying in school! We remain grateful for the decent winter weather as we complete the final elements of our new build refurbishments and put the […]
Midway Through Winter Welcome to the School Blog. We are now past the midway point of winter, and to date, the weather has been quite kind. For this, we are really grateful, especially as we near the conclusion of our building works. COVID Guidelines and Student Compliance We continue to […]
Back to School Welcome to the School Blog. It’s lovely to have a full week under our belt again after our students’ return from a perhaps quieter-than-normal Christmas break for many. A New Year and New Term The national picture appears to be gradually changing with regard to the virus […]
Wrapping Up a Positive Term Welcome to the School Blog. A long and positive term draws to a close on Tuesday next week. Although we would prefer to see the entire school family together to celebrate Christmas in our usual manner with a whole school assembly, this was not possible. […]
Nearing the End of Term Welcome to the School Blog. As we near the end of the term, we find ourselves in a position of uncertainty regarding virus developments and future implications. At the time of writing, no new announcements have been made by the Welsh Government, although we anticipate […]
Important Updates and Exciting Activities Welcome to the School Blog. Although we are in constant contact with Flintshire County Council and other advisory bodies, we confirm that the last day of teaching this term will be Tuesday, 21st December. Thank you for ensuring all students wear masks inside the school […]
Winter is Coming Welcome to the School Blog. It seems autumn has officially ended, and winter is on its way. We’re thrilled that the work on our school campus is nearly complete. Our long-awaited all-weather pitch will soon be available, and we hope some parking issues will also be resolved. […]
Embracing Autumn Welcome to the School Blog. We appreciate the lovely weather over the past week, which has allowed us to offer ample outdoor time for all students. This opportunity has been especially valuable as we admire the progress of our new building and site developments. TEDx Public Speaking Success […]
Reflections and Celebrations Welcome to the School Blog. Yesterday, we held a poignant reflection on the theme of sacrifice made during war for Remembrance Day. The entire school observed a time of silence and discussed the hope for a future where the mistakes of the past are not repeated. Thank […]
Full Steam Ahead Welcome to the School Blog. It’s clear that many students have enjoyed a lovely half-term break, returning to school ready to press on with their learning. Campus Developments Noticeable developments have occurred around the campus, and we aim to complete the building and refurbishment work by the […]
Autumn Updates from Castell Alun Welcome to the School Blog. Autumn is truly here, and we’ve had a busy week at Castell Alun. Welcoming New Teachers We are delighted to welcome associate teachers for their first placement from the universities of Chester, Bangor, and Liverpool. Despite the weather, our GCSE […]
Celebrating Welsh Language Day Welcome to the School Blog. Bore da! We were greeted by a crisp, fresh Autumn morning and today is ‘diwrnod Shwmae Su’mae’ (a Welsh language celebration day). Throughout the day, we aim to encourage the use of Cymraeg in everyday life in Cymru. This is also […]
School Renovation Updates Welcome to the School Blog. We continue to run the school amidst renovation work, and we remain thankful for the mature and responsible behaviour of virtually all our students during these times. Student Feedback and Improvements Thank you for the feedback you have provided over recent weeks […]
Remembering Chantelle Welcome to the School Blog. One year ago, we lost Chantelle. In keeping with her family’s wishes, we held a thoughtful, reflective time today with her closest friends. This helped us celebrate the values Chantelle held dear. Friendship, fun, tolerance, and kindness will always remain foundation stones at […]
Mid-Term Reflections Welcome to the School Blog. It’s hard to believe we are nearly halfway through our first half term already. Lots of wonderful learning is taking place, and our students are as engaged and inquisitive as ever. Students who have tested positive are self-isolating, and each of them continues […]
Welcome Back to School! Welcome to the School Blog. It’s great to be back and, at the same time, almost impossible to comprehend how so many students have grown so much over just six weeks! A Warm Welcome A massive welcome to our new Year 7 and their parents/carers. We […]
Final Update of the Academic Year As this is the final School Blog of the academic year, we must begin by thanking so many people for all that has been achieved and endured since September 2020. First and foremost, we are very grateful to our students for their conduct and […]
Navigating Challenges and Celebrating Achievements Welcome to the School Blog. As you are well aware, we have had a trying time this week with several positive COVID cases in Years 12, 9, and now one in Year 8. We continue to ask for your patience and understanding as we follow […]
End-of-June Reflections and Updates Welcome to the School Blog. As June gradually draws to a close, our thoughts turn to students and staff moving on to new opportunities over the summer. Although this can be a sad time for us, it is tremendously exciting for many, and we wish everyone […]
Navigating Building Works Welcome to the School Blog. The weeks are racing by, and the summer break is not far off. School remains incredibly busy, even without Years 11 and 13 in the building. Our new build is on track for completion on time, and we are grateful for the […]
Building Works and Resilience Welcome to the School Blog. Our students and staff continue to show great resilience and flexibility as we navigate closures of sections of the building to allow Wilmot Dixon access to relevant areas. Additionaly, we are especially grateful to Hope Parish Church for allowing us to […]
Farewell to Years 11 and 13 Welcome to the School Blog. Today is both a joyous and reflective time as students in Years 11 and 13 formally leave us. Friendships formed here will last a lifetime, and our students have admirably moved forward in their life’s journey, creating precious memories […]
Weekly Update Welcome to the School Blog. Everyone is in good spirits, despite a wet close to the week. Years 11 and 13 Updates Years 11 and 13 have just one week left in school, and many are still busy completing final pieces of work in certain subjects. We share […]
Introduction Welcome to the School Blog. Despite the obvious spring showers, some much heavier than others, all students have managed to spend time outside during the school day over the last week. We believe this is a healthy approach and continue to ask that all students bring their coats, at […]
Weekly Update Welcome to the School Blog. We’ve had four seasons in one week since my last update. I appreciate how well-behaved students have been when it’s not possible to spend time outside at break or lunch. We all hope summer is just around the corner. In Memoriam: Miss Mair […]
Weekly Update Welcome to the School Blog. Although we saw some rain this week, students eagerly embraced the fresh air during leisure time, even with cooler temperatures. Extra-Curricular Programme Relaunch We have re-launched our extra-curricular programme. Students learned about the opportunities during registration. Follow this link to view the upcoming […]
Settling Back into School Life Welcome to the School Blog. Now that all year groups have settled back well into school, the fine weather is clearly helping everyone enjoy time in the fresh air when not in classrooms. Year 7 Parents’ Evening Yesterday evening, we held our virtual Year 7 […]
Leading Castell Alun Welcome to the School Blog. Leading Castell Alun, a school held in such high regard both locally and nationally, is a privilege. We focus on learning—developing, improving, and progressing. For effective learning, everyone must feel happy and safe, both physically and mentally. Vision and Values My vision […]
A Busy and Exciting End to Term Welcome to the School Blog. It has been a vibrant and wonderful end to the term, with the greatly welcomed return of students. We started with Years 11, 12, and 13, followed by Years 10, 7, 9, and finally 8. We’re thrilled about […]
We’re Back! Welcome to the School Blog! This week, we’ve been thrilled to see our students return to campus! It’s been a while since we’ve had entire year groups in school. We welcomed Years 11 and 13 on Monday, followed by Year 12 on Thursday, and Year 10 today. We’re […]
Returning to School Welcome to the School Blog. We’re thrilled to announce that starting Monday, we’ll be welcoming Year 13 and Year 11 back to school! Following that, Year 12 and Year 10 will also return, with Year 7, 8, and 9 scheduled for a day each in the final […]
Welcome Back Welcome to the School Blog. As we start a new half term, I hope you’re feeling a bit refreshed and that students are ready to dive back into their learning. I understand that despite our best efforts, not everyone will feel completely recharged. Your commitment during these challenging […]
Welcome Back Welcome to the School Blog. As we start a new half term, I hope you’re feeling a bit refreshed and that students are ready to dive back into their learning. I understand that despite our best efforts, not everyone will feel completely recharged. Your commitment during these challenging […]
Half Term Reflections Welcome to the School Blog and at last, it’s half term! This past week’s Wellbeing Week at Castell Alun has been a fantastic chance for students to catch up and reflect on their learning. It’s great to hear that students found the week beneficial, giving them a […]
Keep Pushing Forward! Welcome to the School Blog. Ella Fitzgerald once said, “Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do” – a fantastic reminder to keep pushing forward, no matter how tough things get. Wellbeing Week Next week’s Wellbeing Week is a brilliant initiative. It’s […]
Update on the Return to School and Current Challenges Welcome to the School Blog. As January winds down, we continue to navigate through these unusual times. We expect an announcement today from the Minister regarding the return to school for students in Wales. Although details are still forthcoming, similar updates […]
Recent Announcements and Developments Welcome to the School Blog. This Wednesday’s Welsh Government briefing provided clarity on the awarding of examination grades, positioning schools centrally in this process. We’ve communicated Qualification Wales’s directives to all examination class students and parents/carers. While details are still forthcoming, we know we’ll rely on […]
An Unusual Quiet Welcome to the School Blog for 15th January, 2021. It’s eerily quiet in the school building, yet we’re bustling with activity behind the scenes, delivering the remote curriculum and supporting students working diligently from home. A Week of Hard Work and Dedication Our students have been putting […]
A New Year and New Term Happy New Year to all and welcome to the first School Blog of 2021! As we begin this new term, things are very different from our usual routine. Learning has shifted online, with students studying from home instead of being here, where we all […]