
Our Whole School Assembly this week was on the theme of Election and was led by Year 11.  Well done to our readers Andrew Cowling and Georgia Arnold.  Our excellent musical item came from Adam Rothero who played a Grade 7 Piano piece from his recent successful exam. Congratulations to our Site Manager, Mr. Paul Muncey who last Sunday completed […]

Friday 28th April 2017

Our Site Supervisor is running this year's London Marathon
Our annual Spring Concert last night was absolutely fantastic as always.  A huge thank you to Mr. Searson, Mrs Walker, Miss Gittins and the Expressive Arts team for putting together such an impressive and diverse array of performances.  The cast of  ‘Hairspray’ gave us a preview of what I am sure is going to be another hugely successful production later […]

Friday 7th April 2017

Our whole school assembly this week was on the theme of attitudes and actions.  Thanks to Jack Barron and Hannah Cartwright for their readings, and to Annie Beggan Year 13 for singing ‘Dy Garu o Bell’ beautifully.  Annie also performed in the Under 19 ‘Song from a Musical’ competition in the County Urdd Eisteddfod held in Mold last Friday evening […]

Friday 31st March 2017

Well done to Josh Davies, Year 7 who has been called up to the Welsh Squad for squash and is currently training in preparation for the 5 Nations Tournament. He will be competing against boys his age from France, England, Scotland and Ireland. We celebrated World Book Day in school recently. Our Library quiz winners were Archie Peffers, Cole Hambleton, […]

Friday 17th March 2017

On Wednesday, March 1st we celebrated Dydd Gwyl Dewi with our annual whole school assembly. This was led by the Welsh department and year 12 Welsh students, Tomos Edwards, Jack Davies and Shekeira Pritchard.  There was also a report by Emma Pryce and Samantha Short about the recent year 12 trip to Cardiff. At breaktime staff enjoyed Welsh cakes, with […]

Friday 3rd March 2017

Our whole school assembly this week was on the theme of ‘Love’ and was led by Year 10, with readings from Maria Parcesepe and Shannon Samuel,  and an excellent musical item, ‘Dances with Bears’, performed  by Ben Thomas. We supported ‘Safer Internet Day’ by delivering Safer Internet lessons and assemblies to students and promoting discussion on related topics. Students in […]

Friday 17th February 2017

  Our Lower School Assembly today was on the theme of Internet Safety with readings from Hannah Ison and Callum Guest and a wonderful musical item performed by Georgia Arnold. On Wednesday and Thursday this week the Science Learning Area hosted a ‘Lab in a lorry’ event for our Year 8 students.  The event was sponsored by the Institute of Physics […]

Friday 10th February 2017

On Thursday our Year 11 and 12 BTEC dance students performed a showcase of some of their work from the musical  ‘Chicago’ for their friends and families .  This event formed part of their exam and all students contributed and performed to a very high standard,  with feedback from all in attendance being most positive.  Dance teacher, Mrs. Sharon Nesbitt, was very proud and impressed […]

Friday 3rd February 2017

On Wednesday evening we held our Year 12 Parents’ Evening. It was great to see so many parents and students meeting with teachers to discuss progress and consider areas for further development in partnership together. Our Sixth Form Open Evening for next year’s Year 12 takes place on Wednesday 1st February and starts at 6.30pm. There will be a presentation […]

Friday 27th January 2017

  Well done to the following students who I have met with recently to celebrate their exceptional performance in our recent Student Tracking Review sessions :- Year 7 – Archie Peffers, Amira Berdouk, Charlotte Fox, Ellie Harrison, Leah Harrison, Matthew Royle, Sophie Williams, Phoebe Davies, Amelie Griffiths, Alisha Lowe, Reuben Rees-Slawson, Abigail Bartlett, Niah Bradley, Poppy Ellis, Sophie Kelly, Emily […]

Friday 16th December 2016

Yesterday we held our termly Full Governors meeting.  Mr. Idris Williams was elected Chair with Mrs. Helen Williams as Vice Chair.  Amongst other things we discussed the excellent results from last summer, heard feedback from the School Council via our Student Governors, and considered the university application process. We currently have six Year 13 students preparing for Oxbridge interviews, a […]

Friday 2nd December 2016

Our Year 11 students have been busy with their trial exams this week. We look forward to some excellent results. As well as receiving the Maths and Numeracy GCSE results in January, many students will be sitting external Science exams too. A busy time for all concerned. Last night I attended the Flintshire Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Presentation Evening. Gold […]

Friday 25th November 2016

On Wednesday of this week I visited Airbus for an insight into the broad range of employment opportunities available to our students. It was great to listen to the presentations, particularly the company overview given by Martin Evans, Head of Industrial Academy UK. Martin and I both joined Airbus as apprentices in 1985, training together for the next four years. […]

Friday 18th November 2016

Well done to Tiarna, Year 13, who does a fantastic job in running our girls football teams. Tiarna has worked really hard coaching alongside Brickfield Rangers Football club on a Wednesday and then running her own coaching sessions here on a Monday. On Wednesday night this week, Tiarna took the girls to Airbus for a Girls Football event. The girls […]

Friday 11th November 2016

Well done to Katie, Year 8, who recently joined forces with Bethan Dromgoole from Essential Skin Clinic in Broughton to arrange an Afternoon Tea in aid of We Are Macmillan. Katie raised over £670, a fantastic achievement. On Wednesday this week we had a fantastic drumming workshop for Year 7 with Jeff Rich of Status Quo fame. The students were […]

Friday 4th November 2016

Our Whole School Assembly this week was on the theme of ‘Peace One Day’. Any students who would like to provide a musical item for future assemblies were encouraged to speak to Mr. Andrew Searson in the music department. Our final preparations are taking place for our Open Evening next Wednesday. I’m really looking forward to meeting students who are […]

Friday 30th September 2016

Our whole school assembly yesterday was on the theme of ‘learning’. Our readers Elin and Jonathan, both Year 11, did an excellent job, as did Adam, Year 10, with his piano recital of ‘Jazzin Grace’. Adam performed this piece as part of his recent Grade 6 examination, which unsurprisingly he passed with distinction. Last weekend Mrs Molloy, together with Georgia, […]

Friday 23rd September 2016

The standards of students’ uniform, behaviour and approach to learning has been excellent so far this term. It is very much a team effort, so I must sincerely thank parents and carers for working with us to ensure our high expectations are met. Our first whole school assembly of the year took place this morning on the theme of ‘The […]

Friday 16th September 2016